Religious Education Scholarships and Grants

The UUA and affiliated organizations offer scholarships and grants to religious educators pursuing professional development.

Barbara Marshman and Ann B. Fields Scholarship

The Barbara Marshman and Ann B. Fields Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a religious educator serving a Unitarian Universalist congregation who is engaged in graduate study. This prize of at least $1500 is given through the generous contributions of those who wish to memorialize and honor the work of these two great religious educators and through the ongoing financial support of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

A black folio case is zipped open to reveal a three-hole binder with lined notebook paper, with some writing on it, and a pen laid across the page.

The Marshman and Fields scholarship honors two who taught and mentored not only children and youth, but also new religious education professionals. Both Marshman and Fields were invited to share a personal Odyssey with their LREDA (Liberal Religious Educators Association) colleagues, Marshman in 1984 (PDF, 4 pages) and Fields in 1990 (PDF, 12 pages). Find out more about each of these remarkable religious educators by reading their Odysseys.

Application deadline is May 1. Fill out the online application.

Religious Education Continuing Education Grants

Continuing education grants of up to $500 are available for religious educators engaged in professional development. Grants are awarded each year on a rolling basis until funds are fully disbursed. Fill out the online application.

LREDA Sparks Scholarships

The Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) supports the UUA’s Religious Education Credentialing program by offering scholarships to LREDA Members. Policies, procedures and the application form are available on the LREDA website.

Class Photo from Ministry with Youth Renaissance Module, May 2016 in Newton, MA

Participants in a Ministry with Youth Renaissance module in Newton, MA in 2016.

LREDA RE Credentialing Scholarships

The Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) supports the UUA’s Religious Education Credentialing program by offering scholarships twice a year. Policies, procedures and the application form are available on the LREDA website.

UU Women’s Federation Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley Scholarship Program

This scholarship program provides direct financial support to aspirants or candidates to the Unitarian Universalist ministry, or candidates in the UUA’s religious education credentialing or music leadership certification programs, who identify as women of color, Latina, or Hispanic. Scholarships are awarded twice a year. Policies and application form are available on the UUWF website.

A Legacy: Marshman and Fields Scholarships
Learn of the contributions Barbara Marshman and Ann Fields made to their era of Unitarian Universalist religious education, in a Call & Response blog post by Gail Forsyth-Vail.

Reflections on a Legacy