Doing Our Inner Work
The practice of doing our inner work is about wakening our souls and tuning in to the wisdom and gifts that abide within us. Our souls remember our dignity and worth. Not over and above someone else. Not in spite of someone else. Not in comparison to anyone else. Our soul is that aspect of ourselves that always remembers our ultimate significance and our connection to the vastness of the cosmos. Our soul is in touch with our inherent somebodiness, and the inherent somebodiness of others.
It’s hard to be a human being. We can easily lose our vital connection to our deepest Self — especially in cultures that do not value the inherent worth and dignity of each person. We all forget our deepest knowing sometimes. We all get activated and thrown off sometimes. Doing our inner work includes finding and engaging in practices that help us return to our best selves.
Being part of a community such as a congregation means taking seriously the way we show up in collective space. It is our responsibility to tend to the places where we are either looking down at or looking up to others. It is the responsibility of religious community to help us remember we belong to one another as equals — all somebodies with gifts and purpose — and to help us remember that we are connected to the web of Life and Love that came before us and will remain after us.
"Doing Our Inner Work" Posts From Our Practice Makes Possible Blog
What are your coping mechanisms in this time? Which ones serve you best? In all things, how can we reduce harm to our bodies, minds and spirits? What are you willing to do to strengthen your empathy? What sacrifices are you willing to make to be of better service to others?
By Heather Janules | February 6, 2025 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
In some quiet moments I’ve reflected on this journey from coveting, to claiming, to interpreting, integrating, and embodying. In my actions and choices, this is what I aim to do, what I feel my faith calling me to do: to Love Justice, to Seek Mercy, and to Go.
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | January 9, 2025 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
Mid-October is shifting seasons and losing light and hurtling toward the end of the year - only three more months to achieve those New Year’s resolutions, friends!
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | October 15, 2024 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
For those of you not embroiled in this particular time of year known as search season, now is when many of your sibling congregations have compiled their “records” to be shared with candidating ministers. It is a busy time of collating months of conversation and inward reflection about the...
By Hilary Allen | December 14, 2023 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
My grandparents had a découpage plaque by their front door with President Kennedy’s famous words, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” A simple collection of words I could read for years before I started to really consider what they meant, and what...
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | August 21, 2023 | From Practice Makes Possible Blog -
Leadership in our dominant culture tends to evoke images of politicians inspiring crowds with fiery speeches, or breathless heroes leading the charge. But church leadership isn’t a political campaign or an action movie. Many of us engage in church life through meetings — of boards, committees,...
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | January 24, 2023 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
The point of a community of practice is for people who want to get better at something to learn from each other through regular interaction. Even people new to a field can help the group learn. Their observations and questions can identify unrecognized practices and raise awareness of which...
By Meck Groot, Joe Sullivan | October 20, 2022 | From Practice Makes Possible Blog -
“I will not sink to your barbaric behavior.” I was ten; my sister was six. I knew more multisyllabic words than she did and she leapt at me with her little fists. I just sat there until mom arrived and punished her for hitting. Of course I loved my sister, but I’d already learned that words...
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | September 22, 2022 | From Doing Our Inner Work -
“How are you?” I asked my DRE colleague on our recent phone call. Her response was not exactly typical, but becoming more familiar. She’d had a bout of Covid about six or eight months before. Although she’d been quite sick, it could have been much worse, and she was grateful for the vaccines...
By Wren Bellavance-Grace | August 23, 2022 | From Practice Makes Possible Blog -
For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyard and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest....
By Meck Groot | July 20, 2022 | From Doing Our Inner Work