Black Lives Matter
Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum
Video of Students reciting Hey Black Child by Useni Eugene Perkins (YouTube) (0:55)
Read Hey Black Child poem by Useni Eugene Perkins.
Question of the Day: Liberate means “to free”, and one thing that we work toward in Unitarian Universalism is “collective liberation” or true freedom for all.
What is one thing that we would have if the nation were truly to “be what you want it to be”?
Giant Steps to Change the World by Spike Lee & Tonya Lewis Lee (YouTube) (1:20-4:59)
Questions to Ponder Together:
Why does the world need changing?
What is something you would change about the world if you could?
Do you think Unitarian Universalists want to change the world? In what ways?
How can being a UU help you change the world?
Black Lives Matter Protests | BrainPOP (YouTube)
What feeling do you first have after watching this video?
Had you heard of “Black Lives Matter” before? What did you know about it?
Is there anything new that you have learned from watching this video?
What might Black Lives Matter have to do with Unitarian Universalism?
The video is a bit long, so consider pausing throughout for questions and processing.
"The Principles of the Matter" activity
"The Principles of the Matter" printable handout.
Questions for Discussion:
What do the Black Lives Matter and UU Principles/ Values have in common?
After looking at what they have in common, do you think that supporting Black Lives Matter is an important part of being a Unitarian Universalist?
We Keep Its Light in Our Hearts By Maddie Sifantus
What is one word that reminds you about what we have learned and talked about today?