Bias And Stereotypes
Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum
(Optional: open the time together by lighting a chalice)
All Blue Flowers are Grumpy and Old I Said
All blue flowers are grumpy and old I said.
How many do you know? Asked my cousin Ted.
I know one, I told him. This is enough.
To generalize all kinds of stuff.
All red flowers are confused and upset.
How many do you know? Asked my cousin Jett.
I know one, I told him. That is plenty.
And they are all named Mrs. Lavender Binty.
All yellow flowers are Pollyanna yellow.
They are upbeat and positive, and looking for a fellow.
My relatives roll their eyes at this theory of mine so gold.
I only know three flowers, truth be told.
When Langston Dances (YouTube), by Kaija Langley
Why Do You Think Stereotypes Are True?, Decoded, MTV News (YouTube) (6:24)
Stereotype vs. Truth
(If in person, use chart paper and a marker. If virtual, share screen and type responses into a document.)
Draw a line to create a “T” chart. Label the left side, “Stereotype” and the right, “Truth.”
Explain that even though some stereotypes may sound like compliments (ex: “all Asians are good at math,” “all Black people are good athletes”), and some are obviously insulting and mean, (ex: “all Mexicans are lazy…”, “all Muslims are terrorists.” they are never the full truth because all people are unique.
Ask for help coming up with some stereotypes to write on the left side and counter those with the truth. These examples need not all be about race. (ex: Stereotype: All girls like pink and all boys like blue vs. Truth(s): Gender identity has nothing to do with color preference; there are more than two gender options and more than two colors, etc)
What did it feel like to list these stereotypes?
What did it feel like to tell the truth about each one?
Were there any stereotypes listed that you hadn’t heard before?
Have you ever felt stereotyped by anyone?
(Optional: extinguish the chalice)
We have a calling in this world, by Jean M Rickard
We have a calling in this world:
We are called to honor diversity,
To respect differences with dignity,
And to challenge those who would forbid it.
We are people of a wide path.
Let us be wide in affection
And go our way in peace.
Take Home
For one week, try to notice any stereotypes that are portrayed in the videos and shows you watch and books you read.