UUA Staff Oversight and Adult Leadership

Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines

Each event must have a UUA staff person responsible for the event. Event leaders must know which UUA staff members are on call for their event and have contact information for those individuals’ in case of emergency.

Each event must have a small number of designated adult leaders who serve as the points of contact for UUA staff. These adult leaders must be approved under the Approval Process for Adult staff and Volunteers. They must be trained by the UUA staff responsible for the event for this role including meeting the requirements in the Hiring and Approving Staff and Volunteers section. They must have a copy of these Guidelines and any special procedures created by the UUA staff in charge of the event.

While involved in UUA activities away from home, youth and their parents or guardians should know ahead of time who will have primary responsibility for their youth, and have a way to get in touch with this person at all times of day or night during the event (usually a cell phone number).

It should be clear to youth who is responsible for their well-being and who to talk with if they have questions, concerns or feel uncomfortable for any reason during a UUA event.