Daytime Supervision

Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines

Event leadership needs to see that event staff and/or volunteer adults are evenly spread through programming such that no programming or free time is happening without adult supervision. Adults will either be physically present in all rooms or periodically roaming. Refer to the “Rule of Three” in Participant Rules and Behavioral Expectations

It is highly discouraged for youth or adults to leave the premises. If youth or adults leave, the procedures for off-site trips will be followed.

In general, youth should be in spaces visible to adult supervision. Therefore, the doors to all programming and sleeping spaces for youth should be kept open at all times, day and night. Visibility requirements for situations such as formal peer pastoral care (peer chaplains) can also be met by windows on doors so long as the room is lit and the youth are clearly visible. The exception would be any sensitive meeting (such as dealing with a rules/expectations violation) at which there are at least two adults present, including one adult leader.

As immersion youth events can be draining, adults will be encouraged to take breaks for self-care and get sufficient sleep.