All host sites must have insurance to cover liability as well as potential damages incurred to property and/or to persons. Individual’s homes or domiciles may not be used to house UUA sponsored events.
UUA events will follow the host site safety policies including complying with rules designed for state law, fire code and local health code compliance.
In This Section
From Youth Safety Guidelines
When UUA events are held in congregational buildings: Our programs will follow congregational policies in addition to those set forth in these Youth Guidelines. We will follow building rules Nighttime Supervision and Sleeping in Congregations The sleeping policy will be shared with parents and...
From Youth Safety Guidelines
Dormitories are used when programs are on college/university campuses, some retreat centers, and hostels. They typically have 2 or more beds with either shared or en-suite bathroom facilities....
Hotels and Convention Centers
From Youth Safety Guidelines
NOTE: This does not apply to multigenerational events such as General Assembly where youth are the responsibility of their parent/guardian or Sponsor. Hotel-based programs or programs with hotel housing are rare for UUA youth ministry events and have their own challenges....
In Cabins and Camp Facilities
From Youth Safety Guidelines
When UUA events are held at camp facilities: Camp facilities should be appropriately licensed for their state Our events will follow all necessary rules to comply with state laws See Medical policies for Onsite Staff for requirements for camps. Nighttime Supervision and Housing in Cabins Events...
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