In Cabins and Camp Facilities
Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines
When UUA events are held at camp facilities:
Camp facilities should be appropriately licensed for their state
Our events will follow all necessary rules to comply with state laws
See Medical policies for Onsite Staff for requirements for camps.
Nighttime Supervision and Housing in Cabins
Events where sleeping occurs in camps with cabins will assign sleeping spaces by self-identified gender identity.
Awake adult supervision is provided until curfew, after which youth are expected to be in their bunks, in their own bed, and asleep.
All cabins will have two adult counselors sleeping in the cabin for overnight supervision. Adults need to be mindful to never be alone in the cabin with a youth camper (See Rule of Three).
Youth should be asked if they need alternative accommodations and any requests for singles or other configurations based on orientation, gender identity, medical issue, etc. should be met if possible.
Only individuals assigned to a cabin are allowed in the cabin during overnight or quiet hours.
Violations of these boundaries or curfew will be immediately reported to the group assigned to monitor the community well-being and consequences may involve being sent home.