Information and Support for Fellowshipped Ministers

Rev. Lora Brandis and Rev. Jacqueline Duhart at The Service of the Living Tradition, General Assembly 2014.

Ministry is rich with fulfilling rewards and complex challenges. As spiritual and prophetic leaders of congregations and in community settings, ministers must also tend to their own ongoing formation, professional growth, and self-care. Professional growth and continued learning allow ministers to explore areas of interest, smooth growing edges, and further develop the skills needed to better serve the larger vision of the Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith.

Fellowshipped UU ministers are constantly learning new skills and deepening their ministries, and the Ministerial Development Office of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) assists them in doing so. The office oversees ministers’ continuing education grants, offers an annual retreat for new ministers, and provides professional development webinars and workshops. Ministers contact the office for advice on sabbatical planning, mid-career reflection and assessment, and for support following unplanned departures from previous positions.

Preliminary Fellowship

Ministerial Development Resources

  • Continuing Education Grant Application Information
    Ministers in fellowship are eligible to apply for financial assistance with Continuing Education. Funds are limited, so please read application criteria and apply early in the fiscal year.
  • Assessment Tools/Ministerial Evaluations
    The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association’s (UUMA’s) Continuing Education Network for Training, Enrichment and Renewal (CENTER) Committee has compiled a list of resources to aid with undergoing a ministerial assessment or evaluation process. Tips for creating a process as well as many samples from other congregations are available.
  • MFC Approved Centers (PDF) 
    This listing of Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC) approved career centers are appropriate for ministers to do a mid-career reflection program, or aspirants for the minister who need an initial assessment.
  • UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ) Programs for Ministers
    UUCSJ has special delegations for clergy, in addition to sabbatical placement