Deceased Credentialed Religious Professionals

By UUA Credentialing and Professional Development, Ministries and Faith Development

The Office of Professional Development keeps records of deceased Unitarian Universalist (UU) credentialed religious professionals and arranges for the preparation of their obituaries for the In Memoriam booth at in-person General Assembly.

The office sends ivy wreaths to services to memorialize the life and work of credentialed religious professionals. This circle of the wreath symbolizes collegiality and the universality of our faith. As an evergreen, it is an expression of the immortality of spirit and of the living tradition. The office also prepares memorial material for The Service of the Living Tradition at General Assembly and hosts the Surviving Spouses and Family Luncheon at in-person General Assembly. The Ministries and Faith Development Office will pay for up to two immediate family members to travel to General Assembly and for one hotel night so the family can attend the luncheon and the Service of the Living Tradition as a guest of the UUA.

Ministerial obituaries can be found in the Unitarian Universalist Ministers' Association (UUMA) blog, Remembering the Living Tradition.