The Joseph Gittler Fund for Religion and Ethics

Established in 2009 at the bequest of Dr. Joseph B. Gittler, this award is designated for “distinguished scholarly and meritorious contribution to the field of the relation of ethics and religion.” The award will be made annually to advance professional development among Unitarian Universalist religious professionals engaged in exploring the intersection of ethics and religion.

Grant Guidelines

  • Awards will be made, via an application process, to Unitarian Universalist religious professionals or Unitarian Universalist groups who adequately demonstrate their engagement in exploring the intersection of ethics and religion. The purpose is to support new and/or ongoing studies or projects in the field of ethics and religion.
  • Awards of at least $1500 will be made for projects of an academic nature.
  • At the discretion of the Ministries and Faith Development Director, the Gittler fund may also be designated for use for UUA projects concerned with exploring the intersection of ethics and religion.


To be made by the Professional Development Director in consultation with appropriate Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) staff and Unitarian Universalist community leaders working/studying in the field religion and ethics.

Application Guidelines

  • Complete an application form and submit electronically no later than 5:00 p.m. E.D.T., July 15th to
  • Application should include a descriptive essay of the proposed ethics and religion study or project.
  • Applications must include a detailed budget of all costs as well as other sources of income.
  • All Fellowshipped ministers must be in good standing; all other applicants must include a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, academic advisor, or minister in Final Fellowship.
  • All application requests MUST be complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • You will receive notification of award decisions by September 15th.

View the application form (PDF).