How to Share Your Congregation's Participation in UUA Initiatives

If you'd like to share your congregation's participation in an action project on, here's how.

Create an Account and Log In

  1. Create an account on Click the "Create Account" link at the top right of any page and follow the instructions.
  2. Log in with your account by clicking the "Log in with" at the top right of any page.

Share Your Action

  1. Go to the page about the project in which your congregation has participated. There's a complete list.
  2. Click the "Share You Action" button just above the map. You see a "Create Share" form.
  3. Fill out a title and description.
  4. For the Congregation or Organization, start typing the most unique part of the name until the organization name appears. ( knows about all UUA member congregations and associated organizations.) Click it to select it.
  5. If you have photos or video, click the "Pictures / Video" tab and click the button for the material you'd like to add.
  6. If the action happened (or will happen) on a particular day, click the "Date & Time" tab to enter that information.
  7. If the action happened (or will happen) at an address that is different from your congregation's or organization's, you can enter it on the "Address" tab.
  8. If you see a "Captcha" (to prevent spam), follow its instructions.
  9. Click Save.
  10. If you haven't posted before, your "share" will be marked as "Awaiting Approval" and won't appear to others until a UUA staffer has published it, which may take up to one working day.

You can edit your share by clicking the "New draft" or "Edit draft" tab above the title.