The Gifts of the Journey

Did you notice that in the story of Christmas there are lots of journeys? Mary and Joseph have to go on a journey. The shepherds have to go on a journey. And those angels must have gone on a journey to find the shepherds. In our Christmas Eve service, if you're here, there will be a story about the kings or wise people. They go on a journey, too.

So now we are going to go on a journey. You’re going to need your imagination to go on this journey. We’re going to go looking for a special baby. On the way, I thought it would a good idea if we picked up a gift or two for the baby. People often do that when they are going to see a baby. Right? So I’ll bring this basket on our journey and we can put any gifts we find in it. What would be good things to bring to a baby?

(Get ideas.) Those are great ideas. Let’s see what else we find along the way.

First, each of you needs to make a decision. On our journey there will be shepherds, and angels, and wise ones. You can each choose which you would like to be. If you don’t want to be any of those then you can be a traveler.

Some of you are already dressed. If so, you can stand over here. If not:

  • If you want to be a shepherd, go over to (name) to get a shepherd’s head dress.
  • If you want to be an angel, go over to (name) to get a halo.
  • If you want to be a wise one, go over to (name) to get a crown.
  • If you want to be a traveler, then just be you.

Is everyone ready for our journey? Follow me.

[The next 6 mini-dialogues take place with various people in a loop around the sanctuary, children and leader traveling together. Italic text is the people we meet along the way which has been provided to them before the service begins. As a child agrees to remember a gift, they are given an index card with the name of the gift on it. If there is an infant in the congregation, ask if their parents will take part in dialogue 6. If not, a baby doll can be used.]

  1. Hi! We're on a journey looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby recently?
    No, there are no babies around here.
    Do you have any ideas of a gift we could bring to a baby?
    Well, all babies need love. You could bring a wish that the baby will be loved.
    (Look at children.) Love is something all babies need. But we can’t put love in our basket. Who can remember a wish for love when we find the baby?
    Thank you.
    You’re welcome.
  2. Hi! We're on a journey looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby recently?
    No, I haven’t. Sorry.
    Do you have any ideas of a gift we could bring to a baby?
    Well, all babies need a clean earth. You could bring a wish that the baby will live in a world with clean air and water.
    (Look at children.) A clean earth is something all babies need. But we can’t put the earth in our basket. Who can remember a wish for a clean earth when we find the baby?
    Thank you.
    You’re welcome.
  3. Oh, look: someone else on a journey! We're also on a journey, looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby recently?
    Well, I’ve seen lots of babies in my travels, but none recently.
    Well, do you have any ideas of a gift we could bring to a baby?
    I’m especially fond of traveling. You could bring a wish that the baby will grow up to have wonderful travels and adventures.
    (Look at children.) Adventures seem like a good thing. But we can hardly put that in our basket. Who can remember a wish for wonderful travel and adventures when we find the baby?
    Thank you.
    You’re welcome.
  4. [If no one is comfortable in Spanish, do in English.] Hola. (Hello.)​
    Hola. Estamos en busca de un bebé especial. Has visto a un bebé especial?
    (Hi. We are on a journey looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby?)
    No, aqui no hay bebés.​
    (No, there are no babies around here.)​

    Tienes idea de algún regalo que podemos traerle a un bebé?
    (Do you have any ideas of a gift we could bring to a baby?)
    Bueno, los niños necesitan crecer en un mundo justo y pacifico. Trae un deseo de que el bebé crezca en un mundo de paz y justicia.​
    (Well, all babies need to grow up in a world that is peaceful and fair. You could bring a wish that the baby will grow up in a world with peace and justice.)

    (Look at children.)
    No podemos poner paz y justicia en nuestra canasta.
    We can’t put peace and justice in our basket. Who can remember a wish for a world that is peaceful and fair when we find the baby?
    Gracias. (Thank you.)​
    Por nada. (You’re welcome.)
  5. Hi. We're on a journey looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby recently?
    No, I haven’t. Sorry.
    Do you have any ideas of a gift we could bring to a baby?
    Well, all babies need curiosity and to know that it is good to ask questions and learn. You could bring a wish that the baby will grow up with a curious mind.
    (Look at children.) Curiosity seems like a great thing. Who can remember a wish for a curious mind when we find the baby?
    Thank you.
    You’re welcome.
  6. [Back at the front.] Hi! We're on a journey looking for a special baby. Have you seen a special baby recently?
    You’re in luck. Because all babies are special and there’s one right here.
    May we see?
    Of course.
    We tried to get some gifts on our way but I see that we’ve arrived with our basket still empty. But we did collect some wishes. Would you like to hear those?
    Yes, please!

Who remembers our wishes for this special baby?

  • Love
  • Clean Earth
  • Wonderful travels and adventures
  • Peace and justice
  • Curiosity

Your wishes are a wonderful gift for this baby. Thank you! Of course, since all children are special, I wish all those gifts for these children as well.

Can you say thank you? (Thank you.)

You’re welcome. And I have one more gift to wish all of our children, and our grown ups too: joy.

What a wonderful addition. While the children return to their seats let’s prepare to sing our closing hymn, #245, “Joy to the World.”

The magi figure from a nativity set, with his hand held above his eyes as though searching. Other magi figurines are blurred in the foreground.

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By Elea Kemler

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Every year, I tell the congregation not to worry about mistakes because there aren’t any; there is only us, telling an old story about love getting born into this aching world.

Messy, Wildly Imperfect Love

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Your first Christmas, your last Christmas, this Christmas, and the redemption of the whole world are all happening right now, forever.

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