Youth Ministry LeaderLab
These bridging resources provide faith development and ritual of transition for UU youth who are transitioning to the first stage of adulthood. One of many "rites of passage," bridging holds a special place in the heart of congregational life.
Curriculum | By Eric Bliss | October 23, 2024 | For High School, Emerging Adults (18-24), Multigenerational | From Faith Curriculum LibraryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Youth Ministry -
How do we share the love when our beloved high school aged youth grow up, cross that mythical bridge and become official adults? One simple and effective way to stay in relationship with our bridged young adults is through sending care packages their way!
By Lifespan Faith Engagement | April 30, 2024 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Peer Pastoral Care course on UU Institute is designed to provide skills to high school aged youth to be self-aware, supportive listeners who know who to turn to in a crisis.
December 7, 2023 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
Practice radical inclusion by assuming that at least one young person you know will experience a mental health challenge this year. There are plenty of trainings so you can skill up your support.
September 18, 2023 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
Our spiritual communities are at their best when we support one another. In order to support young adults with mental health issues well, we need to fight the stigma, watch for signs, reach out proactively, and maintain healthy boundaries....
August 11, 2023 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: Mental Health, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
We can be in right relationship with ourselves, other people, a divine source, plants, animals and the earth. We can flow in and out of right relationship. As Unitarian Universalists we believe there are endless opportunities to get back in right relationship if we fall out.
March 17, 2023 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
A community of care is any group of individuals who support each other’s wellbeing, act in ways that foster hospitality, acceptance, and inclusivity, co-create and abide by mutual agreements (covenant), and have a process of repair when needed.
March 17, 2023 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
UUA staff presentation to support religious professionals in orienting youth ministry volunteers that includes group discussions following videos. Youth adult partnerships, roles and relationships, covenant, community building and safety are covered
June 13, 2022 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Faith Lab Toolbox series contains videos, songs, activities and quotes on a variety of themes for you to draw from for consistent faith engagement with young UUs. This page is dedicated to the Covenanting Toolbox on building, sustaining and repairing covenants.
December 9, 2021 | From Youth MinistryTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Faith Lab Toolbox series contains videos, songs, activities and quotes on a variety of themes for you to draw from for consistent faith engagement with young UUs. This page is dedicated to the Care Groups Toolbox on creating communities of care.
Leader Resource | By Lifespan Faith Engagement, Aisha Ansano, Kimberly Quinn Johnson , Jennica Davis-Hockett, Cora McCold, Steven Leigh Williams | November 3, 2021 | From Youth Ministry