Creative Jam
Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum
This session lifts up ancestors of recent memory, including Elandria Williams and Matthew Taylor. We offer our profound compassion and sympathies to the many who continue to grieve the loss of these incredible Unitarian Universalist leaders.
The Change by Matthew P. Taylor
Read the poem and light a chalice, inviting everyone to come fully into the space. Check-in with one joy and one concern from the last week.
What it Means to Be Rooted - Remembering Elandria Williams - Black Lives of UU
What is the Beloved Community? - Boundless Love Project
The VUU #163 - Beginning section with Elandria Williams (YouTube) (1:30- 10:56)
The Poor People’s Campaign List of Demands (YouTube) (5:44)
Brainstorm collaboratively to create a reel or piece of art demonstrating to your community how you imagine the beloved community.
Be sure to consider accessibility.
Post your creation to your congregation’s official social media pages. (If everyone feels safe and agrees.) Use the hashtag #UUAMosaicYouth to add your contribution to the ever-growing mosaic of media created by Unitarian Universalist youth groups and young people.
Families will have different boundaries and expectations regarding their teens engaging with social media. If your group covenant does not already cover expectations for social media, ask the group if it may be helpful.
This activity can be completed without anyone being on-camera or identifying themselves - encourage creativity, collaboration, and use of artistic expression.
“We Are Worthy” (YouTube) by Elandria Williams (3:48)
Take Home
Review DRUUMM's in memorium page, uplifting the legacies of DRUUMM members who have joined the ancestors, and take some time to learn about these modern heroes of our faith.
In Memoriam: Elandria Williams - UU World
Explore the hashtags #UUAMosaicYouth and #unitarianuniversalism on social media to find out what other UU groups have created!