Appropriation vs Appreciation
Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum
Consider lighting a chalice as you read the opening words of author Max Warren:
Our first task in approaching
Another people, another culture, another religion
Is to take off our shoes
For the place we are approaching is holy.
Else we find ourselves treading on another's dream.
More serious still, we may forget...that God
Was there before our arrival.
(This is from Jacqui Lewis’ essay, "Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing?")
Every Day Feminism article“What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation: These 9 Answers Reveal its Harm”
WATCH: Ta-Nehisi Coates’ full opening statement on reparations at House hearing (YouTube, 5:16)
While this video focuses on systemic reparations from the US government, participants are invited to think about times they have participated in cultural appropriation and who profited from that appropriation. They might consider making reparative donations to the communities they harmed.
Pick one of the “cultural holidays” celebrated in your congregation and evaluate it based on the questions posited in Rev. Jaqui Lewis’ essay Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing.
Or use this “checklist” Considerations for Cultural Borrowing.
Meditate on or participate in the song Hymn 1037 We Begin Again in Love (YouTube).
Take Home
Read this letter written by Revs. Scott and Anya Sammler-Michael (PDF) and do some research on legislation in your area related to reparations. Consider writing your own letter to legislators in your area.
This is a written article (not a video) about how to offer reparations informally: How Can I Offer Reparations In Direct Proportion to My White Privilege.
This is a short video with examples of cultural appropriation (YouTube).
Reflect with lay leaders on your congregations land acknowledgement and create an action plan using the prompts from the Native Governance Center.