Embracing Neurodiversity: Pathways to Understanding presented by the UUA and UUMA

The banner reads 'UUA and UUMA present Embracing Neurodiversity: Pathways to Understanding' on a blue background with neurons on it. There is a design of two heads facing away from one another to the left of the text and a rainbow infinity symbol to the right.

Between the 2022 and the 2023, the The Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association presented a series of events and learning on neurodivergence for religious professionals; this series drew on the experiences of neurodivergent folx and fostered conversations on how we might transform our communities to be fully inclusive.

This project invited all of us into a deeper journey. It will continue to invite all of us to more deeply untangle our internalized ableism in order to more clearly perceive the ableism in our communities. Read more about how we got to this series.

This project lives here to invite you to engage with these topics and this work. Please see the video below for learnings, reflections, insights, and hopes from the team working behind the scenes. This is the final piece of this particular project recorded in September 2023 and released in 2024.

Skill Up Series

The Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association offered a series of interviews and live Q&A sessions to speak on neurodivergence, neurotypicality, and ableism. We hope it is informational for people of all neurotypes!

Each presentation and live Q&A was recorded and is available at the UUMA Storefront for $15. Your purchase will directly support the continuation of this series.

Blueish purple background with a white, fading circle around a flame in the middle. Under the flame, it reads Renaissance and under that, "Professional Development for Your Faith."

Renaissance Credit

Learn how to receive Renaissance credit (PDF)(Word) for participating in this series.