Installation of Co-Moderators
Part of General Assembly 2018 Event 505: General Session VIII
The following final draft script was completed before this event took place; actual words spoken may vary. Unedited live captions of General Session VIII (TXT) were created during the event, and contain some errors. Captioning is not available for some copyrighted material.
Sarah Dan Jones, Greg Boyd, and Tim Atkins: Eleven months ago, The UUA Board, on behalf of its member congregations, entered into a new leadership relationship that was intended to model what it means to have a beautiful way to work together and a provide pastoral presence as a way to help lead our faith. We heartily approved co-moderators of the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Association with the goal of shared leadership and collaboration. Having seen the benefits since then, and in accordance with our bylaws and in the true spirit of covenant, we ask this General Assembly to bless Mr. Barb Greve and Elandria Williams as they continue their journey in leading us to lead and lift up this faith that we love. Please join me in these words, adapted from Gina Whittaker. The co-moderators and the search committee will read the words in bold together, and the assembly will read the words in italics.
[Slide #1] Presenters and Co-Moderators: We gather here this week, A community of leaders within a larger community of faith.
Our work before us, we are called to "deliver the goods" with commitment, reason and foresight.
Remembering we are a religious community, We strive to set our goals, develop our policies and express our opinions With love at the top of all agenda items.
[Slide #2] General Assembly: Remembering we hold open the door to welcome the multitudes who may yet enter We set the pace, teach by example and encourage growth Sustaining a spirit of abundance and a connection to the greater good.
[Slide #3] Presenters and Co-Moderators: Remembering we hold the lamp to illumine others' visions, We pledge our service, listen to each other and our stakeholders and pool our individual gifts With transformation as our overreaching goal.
[Slide #4] General Assembly: Serving together, We are building Unitarian Universalism, We are bonding in unity and love We are blessing each other.