General Assembly: GA Presentations: Presenter views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the UUA.

Money, Spirit, and Life: The Wi$dom Path

General Assembly 2014 Event 327

This event is sponsored by the President’s Council & Faith Development Office.

Program Description

How can our relationships with earning, spending, investing, and giving be spiritually healthy and grounded in our deepest values? How would our congregations and communities benefit from spiritually healthy money conversations? This experiential workshop introduces interactive tools for exploring the financial dimensions of living lives of integrity and purpose.


  • Patricia Hall Infante
  • Rev. David H. Messner
  • Dan Boyce
  • Dr. Wayne Clark


Audio recordings of General Assembly (GA) programs are available for purchase. Every GA 2014 registrant has access to all of the 2014 audio content at no charge.