Current CER Chalice Lighter Call
Please make your gift today for the Summer 2024 Chalice Lighter Call to help Unitarian Universalism thrive in the Central East Region.
Your donations provide the funds to make grants to UU congregations and groups of congregations throughout our region, helping them to build strong, resilient, and justice-loving communities.
This summer your contributions will make it possible for The UU Church of Wyoming Valley in Wilkes Barre, PA to achieve its goal of being completely accessible to everyone in the congregation, the community of UUs and the broader community of Northeast Pennsylvania. A $20,000 grant, combined with other fundraising, will provide the funds to add a passenger lift and complete a project to make their 175 year-old building handicapped accessible, allowing people who use walkers and wheelchairs to participate fully in the life of the congregation.
You can learn more about them in this month's Spark Newsletter (PDF).
Your donations provide the funds to make grants to UU congregations and groups of congregations throughout our region, helping them to build strong, resilient, and justice-loving communities. Please give by July 15 to help us reach our goal.
Thank you on behalf of our congregations from your Chalice Lighter Program Committee and staff.
Your Chalice Lighter dollars are helping to spread the message of Unitarian Universalism throughout the Central East Region.
You can give to each call individually or you can give on a yearly basis. Just multiply your pledge amount by 3 and indicate on your check that this is a yearly donation. For online donations, you indicate on the form if this is a single or yearly donation.
Donate via check made out to UUA-CER with CER CL in the memo line.
Mail to:
CER Chalice Lighters
PO Box 425
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
or Donate via credit card by completing the form below. Note that this form will take you to paypal but you do not need a paypal account to pay via credit card.
Please help CER go green! Sign up to receive your Calls by e-mail instead of US Postal Mail by providing your e-mail address to Beth Casebolt at