Events and Opportunities
This section of Blue Boat blog has information, links to applications, grants and scholarships, and application deadlines of interest to Unitarian Universalist youth and young adults and those who serve their ministry.
LGBTQ+ people are under attack; we need to be prepared to fight for ourselves and each other. Together, we have what we need to survive. Here are some resources for community care and mutual aid.
Leader Resource | By Nico Van Ostrand, Ember Kelley , Mylo Way | November 21, 2024 | For Middle School, High School, Emerging Adults (18-24) | From RE-sourcesTagged as: Activism, Community, Discernment, Education, Faith, Growth, Homecoming / Ingathering, Leadership, Prayer Practices, Rights, Secular, Truth, Unitarian Universalism, Anti-Oppression, LGBTQ Issues, UU Identity, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Multiculturalism, Teaching Methods, News, Worship -
On 10/29/20, more than 50 youth, young adults, and community leaders, gathered for a Town Hall about Y&YAs at General Assembly. Here's what happened.
By Stevie Carmody | November 10, 2020 | From Events and Opportunities -
Creating a single place where you can count on being able to find other young UUs who are into the same stuff you are and who can introduce you to new ideas and radical possibilities. A small group of folks is working on creating such a hub of information and connection, currently called UUntitled.
September 3, 2020 | From Blue BoatTagged as: Campus Ministry, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Young Adult Faith Development (ages 18-35) -
The vision behind all three of these is to reach more adults in youth ministry, not just with content, but with relationship-deepening opportunities where we learn from each other and prioritize care of our spirits.
June 14, 2019 | From Events and OpportunitiesTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Leadership Development -
In this 9 part video series four expert DRE's share their secrets to successfully bringing youth groups to UUA General Assembly. Episode 9: Last Minute Trouble Shooting.
By Ted Resnikoff | June 11, 2019 | From Youth -
A call to all who love Unitarian Universalist youth, young adult, and youth and young adult of color ministry. As part of an intentional process to increase effectiveness, the UUA us hosting a listening session on May 28, 109, at 8PM Eastern.
By Ted Resnikoff | May 17, 2019 | From Events and Opportunities -
Bringing a group of youth to GA this year and just don't know where to start? Or do you wish your annual GA trip was easier? Check out our video series starring some real experts at bringing youth groups to GA. You asked, and we've answered!
May 3, 2019 | From Youth -
The UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries produces summer events where youth or emerging adults connect with UUs from all over the land. Each event has unique programming
By Ted Resnikoff | May 2, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
Learn how to register as a youth attendee to GA - all the parts and steps - that will get your youth group into GA smoothly.
By Deborah Neisel-Sanders | March 1, 2019 | From Events and Opportunities -
Last year, somewhere around this exact time, I applied for Summer Seminary. I remember applying for various reasons: ...
By Jennica Davis-Hockett | February 11, 2019 | From Events and Opportunities