Small Groups
This page contains specific information for those who have been accepted to the Meaning Makers program for 2016-17. Here's everything you need to know about the small group ministry component of the program.
The monthly small groups will take place onZoom (an online conferencing system) using the UUA's Zoom account. It will be easier to participate if you download the Zoom application, but you can also call in using a phone. You will be notified about who is in your small group prior to the opening retreat. We'll go over the format of the small group meetings as well as the logistics of scheduling, facilitating and attending at the opening retreat and that information will be added to this page as well.
We will be using the Young Adult meditation manual Becoming: A Spiritual Guide to Navigating Adulthood for our small group ministry. You will receive a copy at the opening retreat (and you may already have a copy!) Here is the outline for the monthly small group themes:
- July - Growth and Change
- August - Passion and Purpose
- September – Community
- October – Roots
- November – Family
- December - Friends and Loves
- January – Identity
- February - Lost and Found
- March -Spirit of Life
- April - Justice and Creation
- May - Hope and Praise
Becoming A Spiritual Guide for Navigating Adulthood
By Kayla Parker
A spiritual companion for young adults and all who live amid transitions and tensions. Dozens of carefully selected readings address themes that are prominent for people in their twenties and early thirties.