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This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Outreach & Marketing or its children.
It's time to refresh your pamphlet racks! The new pamphlet Our Shared UU Values and our new "wallet card" is available!
Book | October 22, 2024 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Outreach & Marketing -
Outreach and marketing is communication that makes it easier for people to find us, and to have a pretty good idea of what they will find when they visit.
Book | October 22, 2024 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Outreach & Marketing -
Each week in the summer, Rev. Carolyn Patierno, minister of All Souls UU Congregation in New London, CT, hosts a lemonade stand on the sidewalk in front of the congregation. She greets passersby with a cold cup, no-strings-attached. What she has found is a source of connection and shared ministry.
Congregational Story | By Emily Cherry, All Souls UU Congregation of New London, New London, CT | August 21, 2024 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Outreach & Marketing -
Both in-reach and outreach are important in our congregations, but we need to find the right balance between the two.
April 20, 2023 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Building Community, Outreach & Marketing, Small Congregations -
We're now into our third year with COVID and while somethings are getting back to "normal" many other things are not. Services are being offered in person, but attendance is down. Hybrid offerings are still happening but we're still not seeing people show up. Why is this? And what can we do?
August 22, 2022 | From Better TogetherTagged as: Diversity & Inclusion, Outreach & Marketing, Membership Growth & Outreach -
At the Sunday service at General Assembly yesterday, Rev. Gretchen Haley charged us to reach out in partnership with other congregations in underserved areas, where the struggle with reproductive justice, trans care and LGBTQ issues is significant. This is your chance to live that charge. In the...
June 26, 2022 | From Better TogetherTagged as: Fundraising for Congregations, Outreach & Marketing, Support and Caring in Congregations -
The need for our congregations to effectively engage with people online has never been greater! In this free five-session series, Peter Bowden shares video-based strategies to support online visitors, increase engagement with weekly worship themes, and amplify advocacy and witness efforts.
Training | By Peter Bowden | June 6, 2022 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Competencies for Leadership, Outreach & Marketing -
What is Faithify? It is the crowdfunding for UU projects. Think of it as GoFundMe for UUs. Or Chalice Lighters on steroids. Faithify is a crowdfunding site where passionate people INSPIRE, UNITE, and FUND Unitarian Universalist ministries.
September 20, 2021 | From Better TogetherTagged as: Fundraising for Congregations, Outreach & Marketing, Social Justice -
Your UUA staff loves to use photos from our congregations on the UUA website! Here's how:
Leader Resource | August 13, 2019 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Outreach & Marketing, Communication -
Choosing or changing the name of the congregation is an important decision, for it will help shape the congregation's vision and image. Following are some considerations. What Kind of Community? Many descriptive words can describe a religious group that gathers together....
Leader Resource | April 11, 2019 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Bylaws & Policies, Outreach & Marketing