Social Media and Outreach

By Pacific Western Region of the UUA

Interested in attracting new people to your congregation or UU group? In these times, it's not as easy as it might seem. The UUA Outreach team helps us understand that it's not just about "being visible" or "getting the word out." It's about building relationships. It's about getting curious about the real lives of the people "out there" who don't even know they're longing for what Unitarian Universalism has to offer. It's about growing and changing not simply in numbers, but in depth, in breadth, and in the expression of our faith.

"Congregations Reaching Out" Toolkit

Our Toolkit for outreach is designed to help congregations in four areas: choosing an audience, planning events strategically, using social media strategically, and employing engaging graphics online and at events. Explore the four components below!

Finding Your Target Audience

This PDF-format guide helps your congregation or group decide who you want to reach.

Choose Your Audience

Social Media Strategy for Outreach

You'll find detailed strategies for using many of today's top social media platforms to connect with new people in this PDF-format guide.

Determine Your Strategy

Planning and Promoting Great Outreach Events

"Visiting on a Sunday morning" is not the best or only way to build in-person connections. This PDF-format guide presents strategic ideas for events that appeal.

Start Planning Events

Sharable Images and Graphics for Outreach

These customizable, shareable, printable graphics can be used by UU congregations and groups to promote events. Designed in collaboration with UUA Outreach in 2016.

Get Your Graphics

Resources from UUA Outreach

The Outreach Team in the UUA Office of Outreach and Public Witness has a wealth of materials to help your congregation connect.

Connect with the Outreach Team

Curious about Congregational Growth?

Check out's resources for congregational growth and membership development.

Learn about Growth

Websites are Essential for Outreach

The UUA offers tips and a colorful, engaging website template to help your congregation create an effective site on a realistic budget.

Improve Your Congregation's Website