Companion Resources
Resources are listed in alphabetical order by book title.
- After the Good News: Progressive Faith Beyond Optimism by Nancy McDonald Ladd
- Discussion Questions (PDF) by Nancy McDonald Ladd
- Anne Frank and the Remembering Tree by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, illustrated by Erika Steiskal
- The Arc of the Universe is Long
Unitarian Universalists, Anti-Racism and the Journey from Calgary
Leslie Takahashi Morris, James (Chip) Roush, and Leon Spencer - Ayat Jamilah, Beautiful Signs
A Treasury of Islamic Wisdom for Children and Parents
Collected and edited by Sarah Conover and Freda Crane- "The Honorable Joha, Mulla Nasruddin Hodja Feeds His Coat" (Audio)
- "The Honorable Joha, Mulla Nasruddin Hodja, Affanti and the Donkey's Tail" (Audio)
- "The Parrot and the Grocer: A Tale from Iran" (audio)
- "The Hidden Teacher: A Story of Malik Dinar" (audio)
- "Know Yourself: A Tale from the Middle East" (audio)
- "The Price of a Secret: A Tale from Azerbaijan" (audio)
- "The Honorable Joha, Mulla Nasruddin Hodja and the Famous Donkey Story" (audio)
- "The Honorable Joha, Mulla Nasruddin Hodja and the Tricky Case" (audio)
- "True Inheritance: A Tale from Iraq" (audio)
- "What If? A Tale from Iran" (audio)
- Becoming: A Spiritual Guide for Navigating Adulthood , edited by Kayla Parker
- Small Group Ministry Guide (PDF), created by Rev. Annie Gonzalez Milliken, Young Adult and Campus Ministry Associate
- Be the Change: Poems, Prayers, and Meditations for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers by Stephen Shick
- Small Group Exercise: Being a Force of History (PDF) explores how becoming aware that you are part of human history can strengthen and sustain your work for peace and justice.
- Small Group Exercise: Being a Force of Nature (PDF) explores how becoming aware that you are part of nature can strengthen and sustain your work for peace and justice.
- Small Group Exercise: The Inward Journey (PDF) explores how an "inward journey" can strengthen and sustain your work for peace and justice.
- Black Pioneers in a White Denomination
Mark D. Morrison-Reed- A preface (PDF) by former Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) President William F. Schultz
- Call to Selma: Eighteen Days of Witness
Richard D. Leonard- A Good Man's Death: The Rev. James J. Reeb, March 11, 1965," (PDF, 16 pages) from The Martyrs: Sixteen Who Gave Their Lives for Racial Justice by Jack Mendelsohn, © 1966 by Jack Mendelsohn.
- A Boston Globe article and video on the history and FBI's recent revisiting of the James Reeb murder investigation
- A recording (MP3) of Rev. Martin Luther King's eulogy for Rev. James Reeb
- A UU World article about the life of Rev. Reeb, his place in Unitarian Universalist history, and his role in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement
- Call to Selma, 40-minute activity from "God's Gonna Trouble the Water, Martyrs and Sacrifice" workshop in Faith Like a River: Themes in Unitarian Universalist History, a Tapestry of Faith adult program
- Chaos, Wonder and the Spiritual Adventure of Parenting
Sarah Conover and Tracy Springberry, Editor- Discussion questions (PDF) and journal prompts by editor Tracy Springberry
- Children of the Same God: The Historical Relationship Between Unitarianism, Judaism, and Islam Susan J. Ritchie
- A Discussion Guide (PDF, 8 pages) by Gail Forsyth-Vail
- Christ for Uniarian Universalists: A New Dialogue with Traditional Christianity Scotty McLennan
- Discussion Guide (PDF, 11 pages) by Gail Forsyth-Vail
- Coming Out in Faith
LGBTQ Voices in Unitarian Universalism
Susan Gore and Keith Kron, Editors- Creating a Discussion Group (PDF, 3 pages) by Susan Gore
- A video made by the UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the "It Gets Better" series.
- "Introduction to Gender and Sexual Orientation," a video and discussion guide from the UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
- Darkening The Doorways
Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in Unitarian Universalism
Mark D. Morrison-Reed, Editor- Read a related article (PDF) by Jeffrey W. Campbell, "Personality Not Pigmentation,” Christian Leader, Feb. 24, 1940, pp. 180-183.
- Small Group Ministry Program (PDF, 17 pages) by Mark D. Morrison-Reed
- An interview with Jack Mendelsohn (PDF) about the "empowerment controversy" from How Open the Door? Afro-Americans' Experience in Unitarian Universalism by Mark Morrison-Reed (UUA, 1989)
- Earth Bound
Daily Meditations for All Seasons
Brian Nelson- Small Group Ministry Session Plan "Change versus Foolish Consistency" (PDF, 2 pages)
- Elite
Uncovering Classism in Unitarian Universalist History
Mark Harris- “Not My Father’s Religion” by Doug Muder, UU World, Fall 2007
- A Discussion Guide (PDF, 20 pages) by Gail Forsyth-Vail and Susan Dana Lawrence
- Encounters
Poems about Race, Ethnicity and Identity
Paula Cole Jones, Editor - Faith for the Unbeliever
Daniel Chesney Kanter- Discussion Guide (PDF, 20 pages) by Daniel Chesney Kanter and Gretchen Haley
- From Zip Lines to Hosaphones
Dispatches From the Search For Truth and Meaning
Jane Rzepka- Small Group Ministry Guide (PDF) by Laurel Hallman
- The Gift of Faith, 2nd Edition
Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children
Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar- Gift of Faith Guide for Reflection and Discussion (PDF) by Judith Frediani
- Held: Showing Up for Each Other's Mental Health
A Guide for Every Member of the Congregation
Barbara F. Meyers- Held Discussion Guide (PDF, 3 pages) by Barbara F. Meyers.
- The Incredible Story of Ephraim Nute
Scandal, Bloodshed and Unitarianism on the American Frontier
Bobbie Groth- An article by Bobbie Groth (PDF) on why Nute's story has gone missing from UUA Histories.
- In Between
Memoirs of an Integration Baby
Mark Morrison-Reed- Discussion Questions (PDF)
- Watch WGBH/Cambridge Forum lecture "In Between: Race in America Today (YouTube)" by Mark Morrison-Reed
- In Praise of Animals
A Treasury of Poems, Quotations and Readings
Edward Searl- Reader's Guide (PDF) by Edward Searl
- Muhammad
The Story of a Prophet and Reformer
Sarah Conover - Prairie Soul
Finding Grace in the Earth Beneath My Feet
Jeffrey A. Lockwood- A Small Group Ministry Program: Prairie Soul Finding Grace in the Earth Beneath My Feet (PDF)
- The Prophetic Imperative
Richard S. Gilbert Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy
Black Power and Unitarian Universalism
Mark D. Morrison-Reed- Discussion Questions (PDF, 2 pages)
- Meadville Lombard Theological School has compiled a selection of companion resources to enrich, deepen, and broaden an understanding of the era in which the events of the Empowerment Controversy occurred.
- The Selma Awakening **Winner of the UU History and Heritage Prize for Best Original RE Curriculum from the Unitarian Universalist History and Heritage Society.
How the Civil Rights Movement Tested and Changed Unitarian Universalism
Mark D. Morrison-Reed- A Companion Guide by Mark D. Morrison-Reed (PDF)
- Audio Interviews to be used with the Companion Guide (MP3)
- Congregational Responses to Selma (PDF), a document to be used with the Companion Guide that summarizes the responses from Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations to the 1965 questionnaire sent out by the UUA Commission on Religion and Race.
A Unitarian Universalist Approach
Jonalu Johnstone
- Serving with Grace
Lay Leadership as a Spiritual Practice
Erik Walker Wikstrom- Workshop (PDF, 9 pages)
- Video Webinar (recommended for committees, groups and boards)
- Series of short videos offering concrete practices for transforming lay leadership into a spiritual practice.
- Lay Leadership as Spiritual Practice: Hold Your Tongue (YouTube)
- Lay Leadership as Spiritual Practice: Meditating on the Minutes (YouTube)
- Lay Leadership as Spiritual Practice: Setting the Space (YouTube)
- Lay Leadership as Spiritual Practice: The Agenda as Prayerbook (YouTube)
- Lay Leadership as Spiritual Practice: Take a Breath (YouTube)
- The Spirit Leads
Margaret Fuller in her Own Words
Barry M. Andrews- A discussion guide (PDF, 34 pages) from Tapestry of Faith
- The Stonewall Generation
LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Aging
Jane Fleishman - Story, Song and Spirit
Fun and Creative Worship Services for All Ages
Erika Hewitt- Stone Soup (PDF, 13 pages), a fully-scripted, multigenerational worship service.
- Tending the Flame
The Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting
Michelle Richards - Trusting Change
Finding Our Way Through Personal and Global Transformation
Karen Hering- Visit “Threshold Times” for an online newsletter and online programming based on the book and led by Karen Hering.
- The Whole World Kin
Darwin and the Spirit of Liberal Religion
Frederic Muir - Worship That Works
Theory and Practice for Unitarian Universalists
Wayne Arnason and Kathleen Rolenz- Discussion questions (PDF, 10 pages); includes a model for contemporary Unitarian Universalist worship