Life-Threatening Medical Emergency Policy

Part of UUA Youth Safety Guidelines

In case of life-threatening medical emergencies, leaders will call 911 (or host site emergency response number), preferably from a hardwired phone instead of a cell phone, and then call the youth’s parents and/or guardians, or the adult’s emergency contact. At least one adult will follow or travel with medical personnel and the youth in the ambulance to the hospital. Such adults will accompany them until they are released back to the program or their parent/guardian arrive.

Emergencies requiring 911 include, but are not limited to:

  • Anyone who stops breathing

  • Any loss of consciousness

  • Allergic reactions of any severity such as to insect bites or food

  • A fall of more than three feet

  • Bleeding that is not stopped by elevation and pressure soaks through a bandage within minutes

  • Possible broken femur or other serious bone break

  • Chest pain of any kind

If the program has a supervising nurse or doctor, that person will be notified of a medical emergency on site as soon as is prudent.