Combination activities
Subtractive process: revealing something
- Add crayon markings to heavy paper, then cover with them thick black paint. When the pain has dried, use a wooden popsicle stick or toothpick to scratch design through paint to make a drawing. The scratches become lines, revealing the color beneath.
- Make two separate paintings, then cut or punch several holes through one layer. Glue to bottom layer so reveal second painting through the openings.
Additive process: adding other materials or layers
- Using acrylic paint, paint an entire sheet one color and let dry. Then add lines and squiggles of another color on top.
- Add small pieces of tissue paper to paint as you work, anchoring the paper with the paint.
- Draw with crayons on painting paper, then paint over the crayon with watered-down paint. the drawing will take on a new dimension with the paint but will not be covered.