In this section there are specific suggestions for activities in each of the arts modalities. Each section has an introduction framing the experience followed by specific suggestions for activities and a list of materials.
In This Section
The Visual Arts
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
The visual arts range from drawing, painting, and sculpture to combinations such as collage and assemblage. They have been used for centuries for spiritual expression. Line, pattern, color, and texture are basic elements of the visual arts....
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Drawing is a good way to slow children down to really look at something. Simpler drawing techniques are best because children will have different levels of comfort with drawing....
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Painting can be a deep process and that bring up a child's inner life, encouraging engagement with the materials and stimulating the imagination. It is essential to emphasize how they feel as they paint rather than the product of what they paint....
Combination activities
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Subtractive process: revealing something Add crayon markings to heavy paper, then cover with them thick black paint. When the pain has dried, use a wooden popsicle stick or toothpick to scratch design through paint to make a drawing. The scratches become lines, revealing the color beneath....
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Surfaces: See surfaces for drawing (above). More expensive papers such as watercolor paper, Bristol board, and canvas-covered cardboard can be painted. You can also paint wood or the pages of old books with acrylic paints....
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Printing is a stylized form of painting. Although it is less spontaneous process, printing's repeated patterns and design elements can be both creative and decorative. Printing Activities Finger paint or paint directly on glass or acrylic or even cookie sheets; make monoprints by very carefully...
Cloth and fiber arts
From Spirituality and the Arts in Children's Programming
Framing the experience: Cloth and other fibers are excellent materials. Cloth can be woven, stamped on, ripped into strips and braided, and used for collage. It can substitute for wallpaper for making beads....
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