Right Relationship Team Training
Part of Right Relationship Teams

Creating beloved community requires intention and practice. Our covenants articulate our intention, but how do we live into the practice? Right Relations Teams are lay leaders entrusted to help the congregation practice faithful communication and creative conflict based on values of mutuality and consent.
This training is for congregational teams who will be helping their congregations (or other covenantal communities) live into their covenants.
As the name implies, this course is designed to be taken by partners or teams who will work it together in conversation and practice. Go at the pace that works for your group — 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months. You can also take it on your own if that’s your only option. (More about group registration here.)
Training fee: $30 per participant
Access the Right Relationship Team Training
(Note: You will redirected to a separate website, UU Institute, a online learning management system (LMS) managed by the UUA.)
How To Take Trainings from the UU Leadership Institute
Register for trainings at UU Institute. Once you register you will get an email with a confirmation link that you need to click to activate the account. (You may need to check your spam folder. Please add uuinstitute.org to your safe senders list.)
There is a a full video tutorial on how register for the site, purchase a training and how to navigate the trainings.