The Myth of Rationality: Understanding Human Nature
Developing and understanding of systems thinking and sensibility enables congregational leaders to lead strategically. Understanding the dynamics of congregations as emotional systems is a key part of leadership training offered by the UUA at both our online an in-person leadership schools.
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Anxiety and the Brain
Our human brains are amazing organs. Along with our rational abilities, our brains enable us to pick on on the emotions of others, and to react immediately when we are in danger. Alas, the flight/fight/freeze anxious response can be triggered by all sorts of other stimuli. As a leader, the important thing to understand is that in order to keep people's reasoning capabilities functioning, you want to keep anxiety as low as possible.
The Self-Differentiated Leader
Self-differentiated Leaders know who they are well enough that they also know where they stand, and what they will and will not do; they understand the necessity of boundaries, and work within the congregation to ensure that healthy boundaries are in place and are supported; they can be clear in who they are, without requiring others to join them in that same place, but instead to be true to their own self.
What Part of Your Brain Is In Charge When Under Stress?
Have you ever wondered why people sometimes act out of character during times of stress? This is because our brains have different parts that work together. One part is our frontal cortex, which enables us to reason and judge complex situations. Another part is the amygdala, which is deep inside all animal brains. It acts quickly so we can react quickly in times of danger.
Watch Out for Triangulation!
One sure way to invite conflict into a congregation is by triangulating. Triangulation is about the transference of anxiety, creating unhealthy relationship triangles. One way that human beings react to anxiety is to try and get rid of it by giving it to someone else.
Can You Ask the Minister to Leave a Board Meeting?
Open and honest communication is essential between the board and the minister. Here are some guidelines and practices to help navigate difficult conversations.