8. From "Me" to "We": Healthy Communications
Developing a culture and habits of healthy communication will set the tone for the rest of the congregation.
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Speaking with One Voice
“Speaking with one voice” means that everyone around the table can say “All of my concerns been heard and considered in this decision. I can support the process and decisions that have been made by the group and can represent the decisions that the group has come to as my own outside this room.” If someone on a committee cannot agree ahead of time to speak with one voice after everyone has been heard and a decision is made, then that person should not serve on that committee.
Team Players: Interpersonal Dynamics
Congregational boards are intended to provide collective discernment rather than be a forum for competing interests or agendas. Faithful boards are in alignment with and accountable to the mission and vision of the congregation. Effective boards trust each other enough to listen deeply to one another, and to admit to one another when they don't have an answer.
Minutes and Records
The meeting minutes from board meetings and congregational meetings create the official, legal record of the actions of the board or congregation. Usually, the secretary or recording secretary takes the minutes. For the congregation, they are important as an accurate historical record. They may also used by outside parties for legal purposes.