9. Who's the Boss? Boards as Employers
One of the best ways to demonstrate how a congregation lives its values is in how it treats its staff.
Download the Syllabus (PDF) to keep track of your progress!
Our Values, Our Staff
Congregations have the opportunity and the obligation to live their mission not only out in the world, but within their walls. One way a congregation expresses its values internally is through its selection and treatment of staff.
Consider Hiring Practices that enable your congregation to staff for diversity.
Compensation Guidelines
The Office of Church Staff Finances provides guidance to congregations about salaries and benefits for congregational staff. Our Compensation Guidelines offer a consistent and professionally endorsed approach to compensating staff within and across congregations.
Compensation is as much an art as a science. With respect to salaries, in particular, it is more than looking up numbers on charts. We suggest the webinar slides Strategies for Setting Staff Salaries (PDF) as well as the Guide to Salary Recommendations (PDF) to help you make appropriate use of our salary charts. You also have regional volunteer Compensation Consultants available to guide you.
The Unique Finances of Your Minister
You’ve probably heard that there are special tax rules for ministers. Most church leaders don’t need to be experts on ministerial compensation, but it’s important to understand the basics of how payroll and taxes for the minister differ from other employees.
Personnel Policies and Best Practices
From The Alban Institute's Susan Beaumont: Policies, Performance, and Personnel
An effective personnel committee recommends policy on human resource (HR) management to the governing board. The board adopts or amends the recommended policies as it sees fit. A personnel committee should recommend policies and expectations related to: the creation of job descriptions, performance feedback practices (including the annual performance review), salary administration practices, benefits, professional development, leave and sabbatical taking, equal employment opportunity, professional misconduct, conflicts of interest, record keeping and any other miscellaneous employment policies needed to comply with applicable state employment law. Read more...