Not Foolishly Romantic

By Phillip Lund


"To be hopeful in these hard times is more than being foolishly romantic, according to historian Howard Zinn. It does, however, require some effort on our part. The good news is that every congregation can tap into the energy it needs to act to make this world a better place. Find out how we can—individually and collectively—behave magnificently in defiance of all hurt and heartbreak around us."

Rev. Phil Lund in pulpit

Rev. Phil Lund, MidAmerica Region Congregational Life Consultant

Opening Words

A Renewed Hope for This World,” by Nathan Ryan


Choosing to Connect,” by Priscilla Shumway [Note: I do this reading at the beginning of the sermon. If folks want to do it separately, they should start the sermon at 3:32.]

Alternate Reading or Additional Meditation

Meditation on Hope and Love in a Time of Struggle,” by Alice Anacheka-Nasemann

Closing Words

With Faith in the Creative Powers of Life,” by Lindsay Bates

Suggested Hymns

  • Singing the Journey #1060 “As We Sing of Hope and Joy”
  • Singing the Journey #1074 “Turn the World Around”
  • Singing the Living Tradition #95 “There Is More Love Somewhere”
  • Singing the Living Tradition #128 “For All That Is Our Life”