International Justice and Action: UU Office at the United Nations

Open Dialogues Between Faiths (2009)

Each year the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) hosts our Intergenerational Spring Seminar. Below is the statement complied by attendees to represent Unitarian Universalist voices at the United Nations. Learn more about UU work on multicultural ministries.

UU United Nations 2009 Seminar Statement


  • We strive to abide by the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights andwe recognize faith to be the foundation for social justice and community activism
  • It is our responsibility as world citizens to question the given truth in order to promote the inherent worth and dignity of all people and prejudices are detrimental to the interdependent web of existence
  • We recognize that faith plays a major role in the promotion of human rights and peaceful values, but also an equally significant role in the potential to overstep appropriate bounds and become a basis for oppression
  • People’s innate sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity is not recognized as natural to all faiths
  • We recognize media literacy to be the critical analysis of information broadcasted and reported by the media
  • Religion has been distorted to justify the oppression of human rights, which is perpetuated and encouraged by the media
  • Religion provides solace and reaffirmation for individuals, but should also stimulate self-examination
  • All faiths strive to create a world where commonalities are valued and all humans, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity can come together to combat injustice across the globe

We hereby resolve to...

  • Connect with other faiths, focusing on our commonalities and learning from our differences
  • Encourage us to extract truth from media and recognize the biases it presents
  • Advocate for the education of the public and responsible media consumption
  • Encourage education on the issues of sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV/AIDS, and promotion of sexual education programs and training among the interfaith community
  • Promote human rights in our local and global communities through the continued practice of our faiths

Therefore as liberal people of faith, guided by the principal of ethical application of religion, we call all peoples to urgent action to open dialogues between faiths as we reaffirm our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and to the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part.