Wider Still: A Companion for Applying a Global Lens to Widening the Circle of Concern

We are excited to share this new resource for individuals and congregations to reflect on global engagement with UU values: Wider Still (PDF, 44 pages).

This study guide incorporates a global lens to many of the themes and recommendations in Widening the Circle of Concern: Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change. Those who engage with this material will find learning and reflection on theology, leadership, partnership, and reparations among other issues found in our global work. The authors hope that readers will gain insight into how to live more deeply into our UU values of inclusion, equity, antiracism, and anticolonialism within the context of our global faith.


Rev. Sara Ascher served our global faith community as the executive director of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists,

Rev. Roger Bertschausen served as the executive director of the UU Partner Church Council,

Rev. Alicia R. Forde served as the director of the UUA’s International Office, (now the UUA’s Office of Global Connections and Emerging Communities),

Rev. Dr. Fred Muir served as both interim director of the UUA’s International Office and interim executive director of the UU Partner Church Council.