Give Monthly. Become a Faithful Sustainer

As a Faithful Sustainer, you provide vital resources that the UUA can continue to count on month after month that will help our movement thrive for years to come. Set up a monthly recurring gift to Friends of the UUA and become a Faithful Sustainer today.

Three Reasons to Become a Faithful Sustainer

  1. Your faith in action is at work all year
    Your monthly gifts provide continuous support of vital initiatives and programs specifically designed to promote our values in the world and strengthen our faith community in meaningful ways. Simply choose an amount that works for your monthly budget.
  2. You become part of a special group of donors
    You join a special group of donors whose ongoing support demonstrates a steadfast commitment to the Unitarian Universalist faith we all cherish. As our way of saying "thank you," Faithful Sustainers:
    • Receive 20% off Beacon Press books (plus free shipping) ordered from the Beacon Press website.
    • Receive invitations to video calls with UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt and other leaders throughout the year.
  3. It’s easy to set up
    Your monthly gift can be charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account each month. It's safe and secure and you can change it any time by contacting us. Once enrolled, you'll receive an annual statement each year for tax purposes, summarizing your charitable giving from the prior year.

To become a Faithful Sustainer sign up securely on our Faithful Sustainer page, or call us toll-free at (888) 792-5885 and select option 4.

Current Faithful Sustainers

To change your pay method, monthly giving amount, or to pause or stop your monthly giving, please use the online Faithful Sustainer Update form, or you can email or call (888) 792-5885 and select option 4.