Participating on Discussion Forums

Discussion forums on consist of a forum which can contain a number of discussions where people can add posts and comment upon each other's posts.

How to Participate

Anyone can read the posts and comments on a public forum, but you need a account in order to post or comment.

To create an account:

  1. Click the Log In link in the upper right corner of any page and click the "Create new account" link. Or click this registration link.
  2. Fill in your email address, click the "CAPTCHA" that shows that you aren't a bot, and click the "Create new account" button.
  3. The website will send you an email with a link to confirm your email.
  4. Click the link and enter a password for you to use when you log in in the future.

When you need to log in later, click the Log In link in the upper right corner of any page, fill in the email address and password, and click the "Log in" button.

To log out, click the "Log out" link in the upper right corner of any page.

How to Subscribe to Email Notifications

If you are interested in getting email notifications about the activity on a forum, you can subscribe to a forum in a number of ways, choosing to get an email for each new comment on a post, each new post and/or comment on a discussion or on an entire forum, or to get one email/day for all new activity on a discussion or a forum.

At the bottom of every page in a forum are links you can click to subscribe or unsubscribe.

On the main page for a forum (e.g., the GA Forum), you can click:

  • "Subscribe to new posts" (get an email about each new post in the whole forum, but not comments on the posts)
  • "Subscribe to posts and comments" (get an email about each new post or comment in the whole forum)
  • "Subscribe to a daily list of updates" (get one email a day with links to all the new posts and comments in the whole forum)

On the page for a discussion within a forum (e.g., the Questions from First Timers section of the GA Forum), you can click the same set of links, but they apply only to the posts and comments in that discussion. The list of posts also includes a "Subscribe to comments" link for each post.

On an individual post (e.g., Questions about attending virtual GA?), you can click "Subscribe to comments" at the bottom of the post.

How to Unsubscribe from Email Notifications

Every subscription link can be clicked again to subscribe. For example, if you click the "Subscribe to new posts" for a discussion, that link changes to "Unsubscribe from lists". Click that link to unsubscribe.

Every forum page also has a "Review all your subscriptions" link that take you to a list of all subscriptions from all forums. (You can also get there by clicking your username at the top of any page when you are logged in, clicking "View profile", and clicking "Subscriptions.") Your Subscriptions page has a link to unsubscribe for individual posts, discussions, or forums or to unsubscribe from all notifications. Policies

See our Privacy and Data Security Policy for what we store about you in the database.