The Autumn of Data Building Shared Analysis within the UUA

As Unitarian universalism adjusts to the new realities of this moment, what are the challenges and opportunities facing our faith? To collaboratively and intentionally move toward a future, in which Unitarian universalism is vibrant, life-giving, and impactful, we need to understand the landscape we are currently navigating.

The Autumn of Data is an opportunity to build shared analysis throughout the UUA and Unitarian Universalism. Data is shared annually through the Congregational Certification process, but what other stories are told about our faith by way of available data? By starting the conversation, we build a shared analysis informed by data (not old stories!), from which we can discern the next steps rooted in shared understanding.

This fall, staff groups across the UUA are digging into the information we have about the current landscape we are navigating. Join us in building shared understanding and assessing the moment we are in for these key areas of religious life!

Reports and Resources


The following public events offer opportunities to engage with UU data and discussions.

  • Constellation Youth Summit: This event is designed to elicit youth and adult team input on the direction of youth ministry within and between congregations. Arising from data collected from two surveys across two different Regions (Pacific West Region & Southern Region), this event aims to build upon the data from these surveys and chart new horizons for youth ministry in Unitarian Universalism.
    • Nov 16, 11 am-5 pm ET, open to both virtual and in-person attendees.
  • JUUst Breathe: A UU Podcast: A monthly podcast exploring whole church and lifespan ministries! Hosts Joy Berry and Ember Kelley interview UUs across the spectrum who hold a vision of liberal religious education that is both life saving and spirit lifting.
  • Balancing Equity, Inclusion, & Economics in GA Planning: This pre-GA town hall meeting, hosted by the General Assembly and Conference Services (GACS) staff group with support from the GA Advisory Council, will provide an opportunity for the team to share key findings and present case studies. Attendees will engage in small group discussions and analysis, offering feedback that will be reported out to help shape the upcoming General Assembly.
    • Date and additional details TBD. Contact Stacey Dixon for details.