UUA.org and UUA Blog Commenting Policy
All participants offering comments on UUA.org pages or UUA blogs are required to follow these guidelines (unless other guidelines are included on the blog itself). Those violating the following guidelines may have their comments removed or blocked by an administrator.
- Be respectful and civil. If polite language isn’t possible, please don’t post. Engage points, focus on ideas, debate, and discuss. Never resort to name-calling, slander, or obscenities. Messages that include anything determined by UUA staff to be hate speech, a threat, harassment, or anything illegal will be removed and the poster will be blocked.
- Post clear, concise comments. Limit your post to 200 words or less. The blog administrator may edit longer posts or may not post longer comments. Before submitting, take a moment to re-read your post for clarity, grammar, punctuation, spelling and length. And please avoid typing in all capital letters; it's the online version of shouting.
- Stay with the topic at hand. Keeping your posts focused contributes to the best possible discussion.
- Write your own posts. Limit the number of links to one per comment. A link or quote from another source can be a meaningful addition to the discussion; copying and pasting an entire article from elsewhere does not contribute in a meaningful way (also see guideline 2, above). In addition, it often violates the author’s copyright.
- Promote the discussion, rather than your own interests. This site is not an appropriate venue for posters’ advertisements, promotions, campaigns, or solicitations; use your best judgment and we’ll use ours.
Thanks for being part of our UUA online community!