Music Leadership Certification Resources: The Triad
Although the candidate (music leader) is the primary participant in the program, the candidate does not complete this journey alone. Supporting the candidate is a sponsor from the candidate’s congregation and an advisor assigned by the Music Leadership Certification Committee (MLCC) of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The sponsor and the advisor will work closely with the candidate throughout the process.
Candidate, Sponsor, and Advisor
The Candidate will have applied to the program after at least one year of service as a music leader in the sponsoring congregation.
By the time they are certified, candidates will have served no less than four years as a music leader in a Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregation/s or community. Candidates complete the certification program in three - six years. During that time, candidates will show continued progress in certification requirements, as well as continue to meet the financial obligations of the program. Candidates will add to a collection of written materials, class assignments and other documentation of music leadership and professional growth. Candidates who have been evaluated by the MLCC to have successfully completed the program will be awarded the status of Certified Music Leader by the Unitarian Universalist Association at the Service of the Living Tradition at General Assembly each June.
The Sponsor is chosen by the candidate, is someone who is a witness to the candidate’s work within the congregation, and works directly with the candidate in the candidate’s role as music leader. The sponsor should be able to serve as an advocate and help secure financial support for the music leader in the congregation; the Sponsor should not be the candidate’s supervisor. In addition to these responsibilities, the sponsor will help the candidate plan goals for the year; annually evaluate the candidate’s progress on these goals, the candidate’s learning process, and performance in the candidate’s role as music leader in the congregation; and recommend the candidate for Certified Music Leader status at the completion of the program.
The Advisor will be an experienced music leader and long-time member of the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM), and will be recruited, trained and directed by the MLCC. The advisor will help the candidate plan goals for the year; communicate with the sponsor about the candidate’s work and progress in the program; annually evaluate the candidate’s progress on these goals, and the completion of program requirements; and recommend the candidate for Certified Music Leader status at the completion of the program. The advisor will meet at least bi-monthly with the candidate.
Triad Meetings
Triad Meetings are conference call or face to face meetings of the candidate, sponsor, and advisor, and occur twice a year. The fall Triad Meeting should occur in August or September and should be used as an opportunity to set goals for the candidate for the coming year. The spring Triad Meeting should occur in April or May and should be used as an opportunity to review the candidate’s work in the congregation, progress in the program, and accomplishments in achieving the goals for the year. The Triad Meeting Form for each type of meeting is meant to help guide the conversation during the meeting and to serve as a reporting mechanism on the meeting.