The Music Leadership Certification Curriculum

Music Leadership Certification Program Benefits
The UUA offers the MLCP curriculum through a series of nine core courses. The courses are now offered primarily online, with the remaining courses offered in-person at the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM) annual summer conference.
Upcoming Courses
- Winter/Spring 2024 Online: Navigating Congregational Conflict, Jess Hunt and the Rev. Jude Geiger, Instructors.
- Summer 2024 Conference: Leadership of Congregational Singing
This course will develop strong, effective, and inspiring leadership of hymns/songs for congregational singing. Through the use of both practical and written assignments, candidates will use a wide range of musical styles and techniques to help them broaden and deepen the worship experience of the congregations they serve. This will be a hands-on class offered in-person, July 30, from the AUUMM Conference hotel in Albuquerque. Instructor: Amanda Thomas, Certified Music Leader. - Summer 2024 Conference: Leading a Rehearsal
This class will focus on elements of leading a choral rehearsal including warm ups, teaching and introducing new music to singers, working with a variety of singers, score preparation, troubleshooting and polishing music, timing and pacing your rehearsal for success, and creating a positive atmosphere in rehearsals. This will be a hands-on class offered in-person, July 30, from the AUUMM Conference hotel in Albuquerque. Instructor: Anne Watson Born, Credentialed Music Leader. - Summer 2024 Conference: Navigating Congregational Conflict, Jess Hunt and the Rev. Jude Geiger, Instructors. This class will be offered hybrid, online and in-person, July 31, from the AUUMM Conference hotel in Albuquerque.
- Fall 2024 Online: Cultural Context for Music Ministry
This course is designed to support the role and best practices of the music leader in a multiracial, multicultural, and theologically diverse Unitarian Universalist congregation. As a doorway for deepening the congregation’s commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every congregant, the course supports music leaders in helping the congregation to explore, name, and integrate its values in service of compassion, justice, and inclusion. We will explore such questions as: What is the music leader’s role in communicating and embodying the core messages of Unitarian Universalism? How are music leaders called to enter into the current conversations and actions in our Unitarian Universalist movement around dismantling white-supremacy culture in our institutions? - Fall 2024 Online: Ethics and Care