Building the Millenial Base

By Ted Resnikoff



Engagement Mechanics 101

A strategy that faith-based organizations can use to engage – and keep engaged – the Millennial Generation.

This Millennial Impact Report infographic shows how faith-based organizations that are active on social issues and causes can engage Millennials, people born between the late 1970s and early 2000's, immediately and over the long-term.

Estimates of the size of the Millennial Generation vary between 75 – 95 million, or about 25% of the population of the United States; engaging them in a long-term relationship with organizations that depend upon member support can mean the difference between growth or increasing irrelevance.

While faith affiliation amongst "M-gens" is lower than other generations, M-gens actively support the causes in which they believe. M-gens look for opportunities where their collective participation makes a difference, which faith-based organizations that mobilize faith to overcome injustices and inequities can offer.

These key take-aways describe a system for long-term engagement with Millenials. Here's how to put it in gear:

– Inspiration: Millenials are inspired by cause-based movements that produce visible impact. The cause doesn't have to be global in scale, and the immediate impact doesn't have to end the problem. Acting locally – or over a large area in networks – and making a difference is all it takes.

–Monthly Giving: Surprised to see that consistent appeals are one of the things that get the M-gen going? Don't be: Millenials are ready to help and monthly targeted asks keep Ms feeling their contributions are moving things forward. Also, smaller yet consistent targeted asks are easier for Ms to afford.

–Transparency: Millenials are creatures of the "information age" – they don't like being left in the dark about governance, and they want to know (in some detail) the why and wherefore of mission. Transparency is also a key to Monthly Giving: M-gens will want to know how their stepping-up monthly is moving the needle.

–Peer–to–Peer Engagement: Millenials have purpose, borne in part by dissatisfaction with the institutions, policies and attitudes of their elders (sorry, elders) They more easily trust other M-gens will be honest brokers when it comes to making progress on longstanding problems and they welcome the new ways of solving old problems that is a hallmark of the generation.