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Video recording and written comments from the Lifespan Faith Engagement constituent listening session, held May 28, 2019, to discuss and explore the loss and opportunity inherent in the evolution of the Faith Development Office (FDO) and the Youth and Young Adult Ministries Office (YaYA) into a combined staff group.
By Ted Resnikoff | May 31, 2019 | From Guides and Tools -
White Lies, Ep. 2 looks at the trials of Viola Liuzzo and James Reeb's murderers. We hear Dr. King's eulogy for James Reeb, LBJ’s famous speech, and learn how Alabama Attorney General Flowers fought segregation and bias in the Liuzzo jury selection. We also learn the depth and entrenchment of white supremacy in Alabama
By Bart Frost | May 24, 2019 | From Social Justice -
A call to all who love Unitarian Universalist youth, young adult, and youth and young adult of color ministry. As part of an intentional process to increase effectiveness, the UUA us hosting a listening session on May 28, 109, at 8PM Eastern.
By Ted Resnikoff | May 17, 2019 | From Events and Opportunities -
This post is best read listening to Sam Cooke's timeless anthem celebrating the arc of justice that leading to freedom and justice for us all: A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke.* So turn-up the volume on your stereo (or phone or computer) and listen along as we chat about some heroes of the...
By Bart Frost | May 17, 2019 | From Issues and Trends -
Bringing a group of youth to GA this year and just don't know where to start? Or do you wish your annual GA trip was easier? Check out our video series starring some real experts at bringing youth groups to GA. You asked, and we've answered!
May 3, 2019 | From Youth -
The UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries produces summer events where youth or emerging adults connect with UUs from all over the land. Each event has unique programming
By Ted Resnikoff | May 2, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
For many years, a cohort among us has called themselves “raised UUs”. It’s time to widen the circle.
By Bart Frost | April 18, 2019 | From Young Adults -
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists from all over the continent. This year it's in Spokane, WA June 19th-23rd. General Assembly has been a part of our faith since the beginning, and at every General Assembly the best part is the youth programming! For decades youth...
March 11, 2019 | From General Assembly for Youth & Young Adults -
UU young adult Alex Jensen shares how the tradition of Lent is an opportunity to forge deeper faith, and stronger commitment to living the sources, values, and Principles of Unitarian Universalism everyday of the year.
By Alex Jensen | March 8, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
Learn how to register as a youth attendee to GA - all the parts and steps - that will get your youth group into GA smoothly.
By Deborah Neisel-Sanders | March 1, 2019 | From Events and Opportunities