Resignation Letter from UUA President Peter Morales to the UUA Board of Trustees, March 30, 2017

Peter Morales speaks from podium

Rev. Peter Morales

UUA Board of Trustees

Dear Colleagues,

You are all aware of the ongoing controversy regarding the UUA’s hiring practices and lack of diversity in our senior leadership. Unfortunately, a note I sent to UUA staff a few days ago made matters worse. In my hasty effort I created more hurt for those already hurting. I failed to lead appropriately. I reacted when I should have listened. I am deeply sorry.

I have clearly lost the trust of many people and my comments have become a focal point in the ongoing discussion. It is clear to me that I am not the right person to lead our Association as we work together to create the processes and structures that will address our shortcomings and build the diverse staff we all want. We need space for healing and listening.

It is time for me to step aside. I am resigning the office of UUA president effective April 1. It has been an honor to serve as president. I am grateful for your dedicated and diligent service to our faith. May you have wisdom, vision, and courage in the days ahead.

My fervent prayer is that by stepping aside I help create a space for moving forward together in love and respect. It is time for us to come together, to listen deeply to one another, to reaffirm our commitment to our ideals.


Peter Morales