Get Involved
The Article II Study Commission is ramping up its input gathering efforts as we approach the 2022 General Assembly. What’s Article II? It’s the section of the UUA bylaws that serves as the home of our Principles and Sources, the UUA’s Purposes, our Inclusion clause, and Freedom of Belief Statement. As a living faith, we must regularly revisit the documents that guide us to be sure they match our values and commitments. During this period of reflection, the Study Commission is connecting with Unitarian Universalists throughout the Association to hear from you about what—if any—changes to Article II might lead us boldly into the future.
The feedback gathered over the past year, through the 2022 General Assembly, provides valuable insight for the Commissioners who will be entering the writing phase of this process in the Fall of 2022. The Study Commission needs your input on key themes related to its work, and has developed conversational resources and opportunities for reflection. After you have participated in reflection with your local community or attended a theological panel discussion, listed below, the Article II Study Commission invites you to share your reflections through the Article II Individual Survey (Google Form).
Congregational and Community Resources
The Article II Study Commission has rolled out a number of resources that can be used at the local level to engage your congregation or community in the decrement of our Association's Purposes and Principles. Two of these programs are geared towards youth and young adults, including a dinner church kit and a workshop on covenant. For small group ministries, a six-week program is available. If you are looking for a more informal activity, the Study Commission has put together a set of slides, with prompting questions that can be used in settings like coffee hour. Access to all of these programs and activities are free. Visit our Congregation and Community Resources page (linked), to download these materials.
The Article II Study Commission has also partnered with UU Wellspring to bring an 8-session program for small groups in congregations. The program follows a UU Wellspring session format with pre-readings and videos paired with reflection questions to allow for a meaningful experience as participants delve deeply into the meaning and impact of Article II. To access UU Wellspring materials or just investigate whether the program is right for your group, complete the Facilitator Interest form (Google Form).
Theological Panel Series
The Article II Study Commission is hosting several public conversations, bring together a panel of speakers and ask them a few questions on a theme. Those in attendance are provided a survey link to think further on the questions being discussed to provide the Study Commission with their thoughts.
Last year, a panel was hosted one on the topic of covenant, featuring Rev. Bill Sinkford, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, and Rev. Meredith Garmon.
In Spring 2022, several of these conversations planned:
A Conversation on Covenant Part 2: January 27, 2022
4:30pm PT / 5:30pm MT / 6:30pm CT / 7:30pm ET
What does it mean to be in covenant? How do we handle the mutual accountability of living in love? What do we need from our shared agreements now and in the future?This conversation will feature an array of voices discussing how covenant figures in our ever-growing faith: Rev. Mykal Slack from BLUU, Dandi Prinsloo from the DRUUM steering committee, Elizabeth Foster with EqUUal Access, and Juniper Meadows, former steering committee member for TRUUsT.
A Conversation on Purpose: Thursday, March 24, 2022
5:00pm PT / 6:00pm MT / 7:00pm CT / 8:00pm ET
What is our mission as Unitarian Universalists? What are called to do in the world? How do we, as individuals and as an organization, answer that call?
A Conversation on Inspiration: Date tbd
5:00pm PT / 6:00pm MT / 7:00pm CT / 8:00pm ET
What are our founts of inspiration? Where have we drawn them from, how have they developed in our history as a faith, and which ones speak to us now?
A Conversation on Values: Date tbd
5:00pm PT / 6:00pm MT / 7:00pm CT / 8:00pm ET
What shared values do we have as a faith? What common dreams need to be reflected in a new Article II?
Open “Office Hours”
The Article II Study Commission want to hear what questions you have about the process of studying—and possibly revising—Article II. Join the Study Commission Monday, February 28 & March 28, to ask any questions you have about the process and how you might be involved in the work! All are welcome, and asked to register in advance at the links below. Hope to see you there!
Saturday, May 14, 2022
1:00pm PT / 2:00pm MT / 3:00pm CT / 4:00pm ET
Join May 14 Office Hours Zoom meeting.
Monday, May 23, 2022
1:00pm PT / 2:00pm MT / 3:00pm CT / 4:00pm ET
Join May 23 Office Hours Zoom meeting.