Workshop 4: Who and What Guides Us? Part of Exploring Our Values Through Poetry In This Section Introduction From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Teachers open the door. You enter yourself. — Chinese Proverb This workshop asks participants to broaden their ideas about teachers and learners. It provides an opportunity for reflections, discussions, and writing of a more personal nature than previous workshops. If you are not doing the... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 5 Activity 1: Life Lessons 20 Activity 2: Learner vs. Teacher 15 Activity 3: Life Lesson Poems 15 Faith in Action: Belated Thanks 15 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Meeting Our Spiritual Guides 20 Alternate Activity 2: WWMSGD? Bracelets 15... Spiritual Preparation From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Today the group will explore the relationships between learners and teachers. As the facilitator, your role in the group is similar to that of a teacher. Think of other circumstances in which you have been the teacher. What did you learn from those situations? Is the circular model, in which the... Opening From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and matchers Description of Activity Use the Opening designed by your group or the one provided below. Gather around the chalice. As a volunteer lights the chalice, ask the group to focus on the words "spiritual guides," in silence.... Activity 1: Life Lessons From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint or dry erase board and markers Pens or pencils and journal Preparation for Activity Write each of the following prompts on newsprint (two per sheet) or on the dry erase board, leaving room around each for participant's comments: Argument... Activity 2: Learner Vs. Teacher From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, "A Story," by Jane Hirshfield Handout 2, "Love in the Classroom," by Al Zolynas Preparation for Activity Photocopy Handouts 1, "A Story" and 2, "Love in the Classroom," one for each participant.... Activity 3: Life Lesson Poems From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Pens or pencils and journals Optional: CD player and CD of instrumental music Preparation for Activity If participants are allowed to leave the immediate area to write, decide how you will call everyone back (with a bell/chime, verbally, or by... Closing From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice Singing the Living Tradition hymnal Preparation for Activity If hymnals are not always available, consider printing the words below on newsprint and posting the sheet in the workshop space. Description of Activity Use the Closing designed by... Leader Reflection and Planning From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Review today's workshop with your co-leader. This workshop is the first one during which participants used a prompt as a springboard to write their own poetry. What worked well and what activities need adjustment? How do the answers to these questions affect future workshops? Now is the time to... Faith In Action: Belated Thanks From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Blank note cards Pens or pencils Optional: Art materials such as pastels, markers, charcoal, or crayons Optional: CD player and music Description of Activity Each participant writes a thank-you note to a teacher in his/her past. Have participants... Alternate Activity 1: Meeting Our Spiritual Guides From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Pens or pencils and journals Art supplies such as drawing paper, pastels, markers, and crayons Optional: CD player and background music for meditation Leader Resource 1: Spiritual Guides Meditation Preparation for Activity If you plan to lead the... Alternate Activity 2: Wwmsgd? Bracelets From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Soft, flexible wire, hemp, leather, or cotton cord cut into two-foot lengths Lettered beads Question mark beads Optional: A WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) or WWUUD? (What Would UU Do?) bracelet Preparation for Activity Make sure you have plenty of... Taking It Home From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Teachers open the door. You enter yourself. — Chinese Proverb DURING TODAY'S WORKSHOP... We examined life lessons taught both intentionally and unintentionally by many different kinds of teachers. We read two poems about teachers and learners and wrote poems that reflect a way the teacher/learner... Handout 1: A Story From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Jane Hirshfield (1953- ), from Of Gravity and Angels (Middleton, CT: Weslyan University Press, 1988).A woman tells me the story of a small wild bird beautiful on her window sill, dead three days. How her daughter came suddenly running, "It's moving, Mommy, he's alive." And when she went, it was.... Handout 2: Love In The Classroom From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Al Zolynas (1945- ), from Kowit, Steve, ed., The Maverick Poets: An Anthology (Santee, CA: Gorilla Press, 1988).Afternoon. Across the garden, in Green Hall, someone begins playing the old piano— a spontaneous piece, amateurish and alive, full of a simple, joyful melody. The music floats among us... Leader Resource 1: Spiritual Guides Meditation From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Gather the group in a circle. Ask everyone to sit on the floor or in a chair, in a comfortable but alert position (legs crossed or tucked under them, and back straight). The "alert" part of this instruction is important to prevent meditators from falling asleep! Invite participants to close their... Find Out More From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Read about Jane Hirshfield at, a website that creates an artistic community where writers may submit their work for feedback, has a short biography of Al Zolynas. Making Friends has instructions for another type of bracelet you might consider for Alternate Activity 1, WWYSGD? PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Exploring Our Values Through Poetry NEXT: Introduction Download all of Exploring Our Values Through Poetry (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.