Workshop 9: Families Function: Families Feel Part of Families In This Section Introduction From Families American families have always shown remarkable resiliency, or flexible adjustment to natural, economic, and social challenges.... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Families Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 3 Activity 1: How Am I Feeling Today? 7 Activity 2: Families, Emotions, and Change 20 Activity 3: Family Role-Play 25 Faith in Action: That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling 30 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: What Makes a Family Function Well? 15... Spiritual Preparation From Families Some of us find it easy to express our feelings and others find it a challenge. Sometimes we make stereotypical expectations into reality; we assume the girls in a group will express their feelings with words and the boys will express their feelings with their bodies or not at all. We are... Welcoming and Entering From Families Materials for Activity Printed photographs from Family Event 2 Preparation for Activity Print photographs or arrange for participants to do so Description of Activity Share Family Event 2 photographs.... Opening From Families Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and matches Description of Activity Gather participants in a circle. Invite participants to lead the chalice lighting. They can light the chalice and read either the words provided here or others of their choice.... Activity 1: How Am I Feeling Today? From Families Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Sheets of 8 X 11 paper Markers Masking tape Preparation for Activity Make a list of emotions. Include at least the same number of emotions as participants you could possibly have in attendance. Create signs.... Activity 2: Families, Emotions, And Change From Families Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint and markers Description of Activity Tell participants that you will be focusing on families and emotions. Start the discussion with the following prompt: What are some emotions you feel in a family? List answers on newsprint.... Activity 3: Family Role-play From Families Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Family Scenarios Family support services brochures Preparation for Activity Photocopy Handout 1, Family Scenarios. Make enough copies for each small group and leaders to have one.... Closing From Families Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Gather participants together in a circle. Pragmatics: Ask for a volunteer to write some chalice lighting words for next time. For the next session, ask participants to bring objects that help express who they are and their identities as student,... Leader Reflection and Planning From Families Contact youth or groups of youth and check in about the status of the photo-documentary contribution. Remind youth to bring cameras and personal identity objects. Gather artifacts participants have created during the program for use during the next session. Faith In Action: That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling From Families Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Contact numbers for local shelters, hospitals, or nursing homes Fleece, three yards per blanket Scissors Preparation for Activity See if the local hospital or nursing home would appreciate some warm and fuzzy fleece blankets.... Taking It Home From Families American families have always shown remarkable resiliency, or flexible adjustment to natural, economic, and social challenges.... Alternate Activity 1: What Makes A Family Function Well? From Families Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Brochures from local family support services, both within and outside the faith community Description of Activity The terms functional and dysfunctional are prevalent in popular culture.... Family Scenarios From Families Assign a family member role to each member of your group, and plan two role-plays. The first role-play can demonstrate the way you think the family would most likely react. Or it can demonstrate, with humor, a disastrous family response.... PREVIOUS: Writing Poetry with Youth UP: Families NEXT: Introduction Download all of Families (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.