Workshop 7: Introduction to Eastern Religions Part of Building Bridges, Grades 8-9: A World Religions Program In This Section Introduction From Building Bridges All things are within me, and on self-examination, I find no greater joy than to be true to myself. We should do our best to treat others as we wish to be treated. Nothing is more appropriate than to seek after goodness. — Mencius, Confucian philosopher (372-289 BCE) Introduction This workshop... Spiritual Preparation From Building Bridges The word "religion" derives from the Latin religare, meaning to bind or tie fast—to connect. All religions emerge to serve this function. Religions last when they continue to connect their adherents, and the five religions introduced in this workshop have each lasted more than 2,500 years. Think... Welcoming and Entering From Building Bridges Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, 600-500 BCE, Eastern Religions History Game A few bowls, and tape to share Preparation for Activity Print out the leader resource and make multiple copies (enough for the number of groups you expect participants will form on their own).... Opening From Building Bridges Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers, and tape Globe or world map Leader Resource 2, Eastern Religions Background Optional: History game pieces (Leader Resource 1) youth used in (optional) Welcoming and... Activity 1: Story - Indra's Magnificent Jeweled Net From Building Bridges Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Indra's Magnificent Jeweled Net" A wide, flat pan A pitcher, filled with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan, one inch deep Preparation for Activity Read the story so you will be comfortable presenting it.... Activity 2: Sayings of Confucius From Building Bridges Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Aphorisms of Confucius Pencils/pens Optional: Bag of fortune cookies Preparation for Activity Copy the handout. Optional: Purchase fortune cookies that contain sayings allegedly by Confucius (not all do). If ordering, do so at least two... Activity 3: Fire, Symbol of God From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity A chalice, lighter, and extinguisher Art paper and water colors, pastels, crayons, markers, color pencils Optional: Three-dimensional art materials such as modeling clay and/or craft items for collage or sculpture Optional: An LED/battery-operated... Activity 4: Life of a Jain From Building Bridges Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 3, Jain Symbol Preparation for Activity Print Leader Resource 3. Optional: Read the article "The Concepts of Ahimsa or Nonviolence" by Jayaram V on the HinduWebsite... Activity 5: Fact Sheet From Building Bridges Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 2, Comparative Chart of Eastern Religions A poster of the Unitarian Universalist Principles Preparation for Activity Copy the handout for all participants. Display a poster of the seven UU Principles in the meeting space. Description of... Activity 6: Time Line From Building Bridges Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Religions Time Line (Workshop 1) Sticky notes and fine-point markers World map or globe Preparation for Activity Display the time line where all participants will be able to see it. Create and set aside sticky notes saying "Confucianism, 500 BCE,"... Closing From Building Bridges Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers, and tape Taking It Home handout Preparation for Activity Download, adapt, and copy Taking It Home. Optional: Write the closing words on newsprint, and post.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Building Bridges Review today's workshop with your co-leader. This workshop introduced an important historical time in the development of world religion, as well as five enduring faiths. How did the youth handle this large amount of material? Were they able to absorb most of it? Did they connect the concept of... Faith In Action: Beauty All Around Us From Building Bridges Preparation for Activity Choose an outdoor site on your congregation's grounds and plan the group's "site visit." Talk to the congregational grounds committee or a staff member involved with the grounds and property to get ideas for projects and permission to proceed.... Alternate Activity 1: What Goes Around, Comes Around From Building Bridges Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Newton's Cradle desktop toy (see Leader Resource 4, Newton's Cradle, Illustration) or a pendulum Preparation for Activity Obtain a Newton's Cradle toy.... Taking It Home: Introduction to Eastern Religions From Building Bridges All things are within me, and on self-examination, I find no greater joy than to be true to myself. We should do our best to treat others as we wish to be treated. Nothing is more appropriate than to seek after goodness. — Mencius, Confucian philosopher (372-289 BCE) IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... we... Indra's Magnificent Jeweled Net From Building Bridges A traditional Buddhist and Hindu story. Far, far away, in the abode of the great god Indra, king of heaven, hangs a wondrous vast net, much like a spider's web in intricacy and loveliness. It stretches out indefinitely in all directions. At each node, or crossing point, of the net hangs a single... Handout 1: Aphorisms of Confucius From Building Bridges Gathered from online sources including the Quotations Page and the Brainy Quote websites. 1. Those who would perfect their work must first sharpen their tools. 2. Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. 3. A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know the youth's future will... Handout 2: Comparative Chart of Eastern Religions From Building Bridges Zoroastrianism Jainism Taoism Buddhism Confucianism Year 600 BCE 556 BCE 550 BCE 531 BCE 500 BCE Country Iran India China India China Prophet / Founder Zoroaster (Zarathustra) Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara Lao Tzu Siddhartha Gautama K'ung-fu-tzu (Confucius) Followers 2.6 Million 4.2 M 20 M 360 M... Leader Resource 1: 600-500 BCE, Eastern Religions History Game From Building Bridges A B C D E Zoroastrianism Jainism Taoism Buddhism Confucianism Founded: 600 BCE Founded: 556 BCE Founded: 550 BCE Founded: 531 BCE Founded: 500 BCE Iran India China India China Founder: Zoroaster (Zarathustra) Founder: Mahavira Founder: Lao Tzu Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Founder: K'ung-fu-tzu... Leader Resource 2: Eastern Religions Background From Building Bridges In Iran... Beginning in 653 BCE, the Assyrian Empire to the east conquered part of the region, the Median Empire was overrun by Scythians, and a new Persian ruler took advantage of the mayhem to seize control.... Leader Resource 3: Jain Symbol From Building Bridges Provided by Elembis. The Jain Hand symbolizes the Jain Vow of Ahimsa, or nonviolence. The Sanskrit word in the middle of the palm is "ahimsa." The wheel represents the dharma (teachings) of Jainism, through which Jains seek to attain rational perception and ultimately freedom from the cycle of... Leader Resource 4: Newton's Cradle, Illustration From Building Bridges From Scientific American. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Building Bridges Ahimsa A yoga teacher in Santa Cruz offers on her website the page Ahimsa: Non-Harming, a very nice page on ahimsa, the path to true nonviolence. The article "The Concepts of Ahimsa or Nonviolence" by Jayaram V, on the HinduWebsite"J…—Respect for All Life" on the Jainworldhistory of Jainism. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Building Bridges NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building Bridges (Word) to edit or print.