Workshop 16: Evangelical Christianity Part of Building Bridges, Grades 8-9: A World Religions Program In This Section Introduction From Building Bridges But now that you have been freed from sin and enslaved to God, the advantage you get is sanctification. The end is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Christian scripture, Romans 6:22-23 You were made by God and for God... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Building Bridges Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: Born Again 20 Activity 2: Background on Evangelical Christianity 20 Activity 3: Stories — Evangelicals in a Pluralistic Society 25 Activity 4: Evangelical Preaching — How Does It Feel? 20 Faith in Action: One Laptop Per Child... Spiritual Preparation From Building Bridges Evangelical Christianity's popularity and political power are undeniable, yet many Unitarian Universalists who reject its theology also fail to recognize its appeal to adherents.... Welcoming and Entering From Building Bridges Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Drawing paper; color markers, pencils, and/or crayons; and (optional) additional art supplies Optional: Recordings of Christian praise music, and a music player Preparation for Activity Use newsprint to make a sign that says "What Makes You Want... Opening From Building Bridges Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Prepare a few words or phrases to prompt participants' prior knowledge of Evangelical Christianity.... Activity 1: Born Again From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: A Bible (Christian scripture), preferably the New Standard Revised Version Optional: Participants' drawings from Welcoming and Entering Preparation for Activity Recall big and small ways you have experienced... Activity 2: Background on Evangelical Christianity From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Evangelical Christianity Background Handout 1, Amazing Grace Church - What We Believe Handout 2, RiverTree Baptist Church - What We Believe Handout 3, The ATF Creed - Acquire the Fire Preparation for Activity Read Leader Resource... Activity 3: Stories - Evangelicals in a Pluralistic Society From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Feeding the Hungry - an Interfaith Story" Story, "Combating the Hate of Westboro Baptist Church" Handout 4, UU Response to Westboro Baptist Church A poster or handout of the Unitarian Universalist Principles Optional: Computer with Internet... Activity 4: Evangelical Preaching - How Does It Feel? From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 2, RiverTree Baptist Church — What We Believe or Handout 3, The ATF Creed — Acquire the Fire Optional: Evangelical Christian music and a music player Preparation for Activity Each handout offers an Evangelical be Closing From Building Bridges Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter, or LED/battery-operated candle Taking It Home handout Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Download, adapt, and copy Taking It Home. Optional: Write the closing words on newsprint, and post. Leader Reflection and Planning From Building Bridges Review today's workshop with your co-leader. What worked? What did not? Plan to communicate your observations and learning to your religious educator to share with future leaders of this workshop. Faith In Action: One Laptop Per Child From Building Bridges Description of Activity Youth participate in spreading the "good news," Unitarian Universalist style, by supporting One Laptop Per Child to provide computing capability to children in a developing nation. Tell youth that Evangelical Christians aim to spread what they call "good news"-that is, the... Alternate Activity 1: Engagement From Building Bridges Materials for Activity Optional: Bibles Preparation for Activity Choose an Evangelical Christian congregation to visit. You might want to visit a traditional black church, such as an African Methodist Episcopal (AME) congregation, or a nondenominational Christian "megachurch" if you are near one. Alternate Activity 2: Virtual Engagement From Building Bridges Activity time: 90 minutes Materials for Activity Computer with Internet access and a large monitor or a digital projector and screen and (optional) extra audio speakers Optional: Bibles Preparation for Activity Test equipment. Choose an evangelical Christian worship service to view online or as a... Alternate Activity 3: Biblical Authority From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Bibles - Hebrew and Christian scriptures Preparation for Activity Obtain Bibles for everyone in the group-preferably a New Standard Revised Version, but use multiple versions if necessary. Post blank newsprint.... Alternate Activity 4: Satan From Building Bridges Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 5, Names of Satan Art supplies such as modeling clay, crayons, paper, color pencils, and pipe cleaners Preparation for Activity Print several copies of Handout 5, Names of Satan.... Alternate Activity 5: Music and Worship From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Christian Evangelical music selections, Unitarian Universalist music selections, and a music player Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook and Singing the Journey, its supplement Preparation for Activity Downloa... Taking It Home: Evangelical Christianity From Building Bridges But now that you have been freed from sin and enslaved to God, the advantage you get is sanctification. The end is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Christian scripture, Romans 6:22-23 You were made by God and for God... Combating the Hate of Westboro Baptist Church From Building Bridges The following account is one young person's encounter with a fundamentalist extremist group. In June of 1998, I lost an uncle to an AIDS related illness. He was brilliant, he was Christian, and he was gay. I was only five years old when he died and I didn't know anything about AIDS. I just knew I... Feeding the Hungry: an Interfaith Story From Building Bridges Excerpted, with permission, from an article by Greg Damhorst posted February 15, 2011 on the Faith Line Protestants website. Read the full article online: "Feeding the Hungry: an Example that Compels us Toward Interfaith Work."Just over a year ago I was on a train home to visit my parents in the... Handout 2: RiverTree Christian Church - What We Believe From Building Bridges From the website of the RiverTree Christian Church of Massillon, Ohio. Used with permission.There is ONE GOD who is the source of everything God is one and He exists as three equal persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has existed eternally and is the creator of everything that exists in the... Handout 3: The ATF Creed - Acquire the Fire From Building Bridges From the no-longer-active website of Acquire the Fire, a touring event sponsored for 30 years by Teen Mania Ministries, a Christian youth organization that staged events with speakers and live music. Read in Christianity Today about the decision in 2015 to end the Acquire the Fire events. Handout 4: UU Response to Westboro Baptist Church From Building Bridges Excerpted from the website of the UUA's Side with Love campaign; used with permission.Nov 16, 2010—UUs from Virginia didn't allow the Westboro Baptist Church's hate messages to go unchecked when the anti-gay group announced they were coming to town. By Melodie Feather On Wednesday morning... Handout 5: Names of Satan From Building Bridges These are names by which Satan is called in the Bible: Abaddon — Hebrew for "destruction" King of the Bottomless Pit Accuser Lawless One Adversary Leviathan Angel of Light (a being Satan can transform into) Liar Angel of the bottomless pit Lucifer Antichrist Murderer Apollyon — Greek for... Leader Resource 1: Evangelical Christianity Background From Building Bridges Evangelical Christianity is not a religion, nor an official denomination. It is a faith movement that has become especially significant in the United States over the past 50 years, in two ways: 1. Evangelical Christianity is popular, and growing. A Pew Forum survey (2007) reported that 78.4 % of... Find Out More From Building Bridges Online, find reflections by Unitarian Universalists and by UU Christians that explore the contemporary Evangelical movement and seek ways for UUs to faithfully understand and interact with fundamentalist and evangelical Christians. Read or listen to the May, 2008 sermon given by Eric Hepburn at... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Building Bridges NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building Bridges (Word) to edit or print.