Part of Building Bridges
Without an excellent editor, nothing worthy of print ever makes it to publication. Attentive, patient, and creative, Jessica York's careful and tireless ministrations have greatly benefitted this work.
Acknowledgment is also due loved ones, without whom this work could never have been undertaken: Kathleen and especially Mignon, Will, and Forrest Bryant made creative contributions, rewrite suggestions, and offered unfailing support. The Reverend Chuck Freeman, whose thoughtful ideas, passionate commitment to Unitarian Universalism and nontraditional outlook influenced many aspects of this work, also must accept radical gratitude for sustaining the author with his steadfastly positive approach to life, his unwavering encouragement, and his love.
Tapestry of Faith Core Team
The following UUA staff brought Tapestry to fruition:
Judith A. Frediani, Curriculum Director, Tapestry Project Director
Adrianne Ross, Project Manager
Susan Dana Lawrence, Managing Editor
Jessica York, Youth Programs Director
Gail Forsyth-Vail, Adult Programs Director
Pat Kahn, Children and Family Programs Director
Alicia LeBlanc, Administrative and Editorial Assistant
We are grateful to these former UUA staff members who contributed to the conceptualization and launch of Tapestry of Faith:
Tracy L. Hurd
Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
Aisha Hauser
Pat Hoertdoerfer
Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley